Issue 1 - April 2014


Dear reader/Members, 

In this edition of the newsletter, you can find information about the HOSPEEM study visit to the Baltics in March 2014, News from the Members, EU News, upcoming events and recent publications.

As you can see in this first issue of 2014, the HOSPEEM newsletter has changed shape becoming an e-version that will also be available online. This evolution is in line with the aim of enhancing its user-friendliness and its dissemination. This newsletter has been conceived as an interactive tool aimed at facilitating not only the flow of communication from the EU level, but also to support the exchange of information between our members, as well as for giving your organisation’s voice a broader diffusion across Europe. For this reason a HOSPEEM member will be profiled in each upcoming edition of the newsletter. We also encourage you to send us your contributions to enrich the future issues.

Enjoy your reading !

Tjitte Alkema
Secretary General of HOSPEEM


HOSPEEM Study Visit to Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia in March 2014

In line with the priority of strengthening the cooperation within HOSPEEM membership, it is a pleasure to inform you that at the beginning of the spring a HOSPEEM study visit to Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia gave a unique opportunity to visit members’ organizations and their associated organizations. Read more.

Adoption of the implementation report of multi-sectoral guidelines to tackle work-related third-party violence

At the the Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee for the Hospital Sector Plenary Meeting of 11 December 2013, HOSPEEM and EPSU members adopted the report on the use and implementation of the Multi-sectoral guidelines to tackle third-party violence and harassment related to work.  Read more.

EPSU-HOSPEEM Guidelines and examples of good practice to address the challenges of an ageing workforce in the healthcare sector

Brussels, 11 December 2013: Signature of the EPSU-HOSPEEM guidelines and examples of good practice to address the challenges of an ageing workforce in the healthcare sector. Read more.

Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee for the Hospital and Healthcare Sector: Main activities and outcomes in 2013

In this document, you can find the highlights of the work of the HOSPEEM-EPSU Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee for the Hospital and Healthcare Sector in 2013. Read more.

HOSPEEM-EPSU Joint Work Programme 2014-2016 for the European Sectoral Social Dialogue in the Hospital Sector

HOSPEEM and EPSU reached a final agreement of the Joint Work-Programme 2014-2016. The two broad thematic priorities that will lead the joint work of HOSPEEM and EPSU in the three years to come are occupational health and safety, and recruitment and retention of healthcare. Read more.

Joint Statement of HOSPEEM and EPSU on the new EU Occupational Safety and Health Policy Framework

On 31 May 2013, the European Commission launched a public consultation further to results of the evaluation of the European Strategy on Safety and Health at Work 2007-2012. This was aimed at gathering contributions from the public for the new EU policy framework. Read more.

“From needle-sticks to sharps. The added value” Success Stories from the EU sectoral social dialogue

The added value of the framework agreement on the prevention from sharps injuries (Directive 2010/32/EU) is explained in this document... Read more.


Member's profile: HSE

The Health Service Executive (HSE) is the Irish member of HOSPEEM. It was created in 2005 and operates in the health and social care sector representing 51 acute hospitals and a large number of organisations in community, mental health services and social care settings. The HSE runs all of the public health services in Ireland and manages services through a structure designed to put patients and clients at the centre of the organisation. HSE has around 100,000 workers to be represented. Read more.

NHS working longer review: Preliminary findings and recommendations report for the health departments

This report is submitted to the Health Departments by the Working Longer Review (WLR) Steering Group on behalf of the NHS Staff Council and sets out the findings and recommendations of this UK-wide review. The WLR was established to assess the impact of working beyond 60 in the NHS and to consider how NHS staff will continue to provide excellent and compassionate care when they are working longer. Read more.

Italy launches new healthcare services portal 

A new portal has now been launched to provide information about healthcare services in Italy, including the type of activities carried out, the timetable, how to make reservation and evaluation from patients. Read more.

NFU Collective agreement for university medical centres 2013-2015

In The Netherlands this is the eighth edition of the collective agreement for university medical centres (Cao umc) setting out the employment status of the employees of all eight university medical centres of the The Netherlands Federation of University Medical Centres (NFU). Download the document.


EU-OSHA 2014-15 Healthy Workplaces Campaign (HWC)

The 2014-15 Healthy Workplaces Campaign (HWC) “Healthy Workplaces Manage Stress” was officially launched on 7 April 2014 in Brussels. The Healthy Workplaces campaign is open to all individuals and organisations, and EU-OSHA encourages everyone to participate. Read more on how to get involved. 

EU Third Health Programme for 2014-2020

With the adoption of the Third Health Programme for 2014-2020 (Reg. (EU) N.282/2014 adopted on 11 March), we are entering into a new phase to support action on public health in the European Union. With a budget of €449.4 million, the programme is the key tool to support EU health policy, to foster cooperation with Member States and health stakeholders and to help improve health outcomes across the European Union. Read more.

EC Expert Panel on Effective Ways of Investing in Health adopts first three opinions

The EU Commission’s advisory panel adopted its first three opinions in March. The first opinion on a frame of reference in relation to primary care with a special emphasis on financing systems and referral systems is of particular interest. A public consultation on this opinion will be launched soon. These opinions, as all advice given by the Expert Panel on effective ways of investing in Health, are non-binding. Read more


11/04/2014 : Info Day on the Third Health Programme 2014-2020 on 11 April 2014. The Info Day can be also followed via web streaming.

28/04/2014 : The European Commission organises a conference on working conditions on 28 April in Brussels to reflect on the results achieved and on the way forward.

12-14/05/2014 : The European E-health Week 2014 in Athens in Greece on 12-14 May will gather healthcare organisations and decision-makers from across Europe to explore how ICT solutions and innovation can help healthcare systems tackle the problem of an ageing population and contribute to chronic patient care, while at the same helping with economic growth and job creation during challenging times.

26-28/05/2014 : The 3rd international wellbeing at work conference is organised by the Danish National Research Centre for the Working Environment (NRCWE) on 26-28 May 2014 in Copenhagen, Denmark 

07-09/07/2014: The 22nd European Social Services Conference - Investing in people and communities, social inclusion and social development organised by the European Social Network (ESN) takes place on 07-09 July 2014 in Rome, Italy


Inventory of MRI applications and workers exposed to MRI-related electromagnetic fields in the Netherlands - Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences, Utrecht University, The Netherlands

This study aims to characterise and quantify the population that is occupationally exposed to electromagnetic fields (EMF) from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) devices and to identify factors that determine the probability and type of exposure. Read more. 

VADEMECUM - A Practical Guide for EU Social Partner Organisations and their National Affiliates to Commission support to EU Social Dialogue.

This EC guide provides basic information on the instruments related to EU support to social dialogue. Read more.

Working conditions and job quality: Comparing sectors in Europe - Overview report, Eurofound, Dublin, Ireland

This Eurofound report aims to capture the diversity prevalent across sectors in Europe in terms of working conditions and job quality. A specific information sheet about the human health sector can also be found here. Read more

Employment and Social Developments in Europe 2013, European Commission

This year the EC report on employment and social developments in Europe offers an in-depth and wide-ranging review of key labour market and social challenges facing the EU as it slowly emerges from recession. Read more.

EU-OSHA: Priorities for occupational safety and health research in Europe for the years 2013–2020

This report provides an input into the preparation of a possible European Union OSH strategy and into the EU Research Framework Programme Horizon 2020. Read more.

EC Patient Safety & Quality of Care Working Group documents

Useful documents and presentations from the last EC Patient Safety & Quality of Care Working Group on 14 February 2014 are available online. Read more