Season's greetings_2024

Dear ,
As we enter the cheerful holiday season, I would like to take this opportunity to send my warmest wishes to you on behalf of HOSPEEM. This is the time for reflection on the achievements of the past year and for laying the foundation for new opportunities in the year ahead.

I would like to express my gratitude to the HOSPEEM members for their invaluable contribution to the work of the Association. Your unwavering support has been instrumental in strengthening HOSPEEM’s position at the EU level. Thanks to the dedicated efforts of our national members, the Council Conclusions on the Future of the European Health Union recognise social partners as key stakeholders in addressing the health workforce shortage.

Together with employers from central governments, local and regional governments, education and horeca sectors, HOSPEEM concluded negotiations with the respective trade union counterparts to update the European Multi-sectoral Social Partners Guidelines to prevent and tackle third-party violence and harassment related to work. While the Social Dialogue Committee in the hospital and healthcare sector became the first to approve the content of the updated guidelines in November 2024, the text will be signed once all involved sectors have approved too.

Our study visit to our Norwegian member SPEKTER became another highlight of the year. This visit provided a valuable platform for the exchange of best practices on topics such as wage formation, challenges and opportunities in the healthcare sector.
These reflections serve as an important reminder of the remarkable commitment demonstrated by healthcare professionals in Europe and the vital role of social partners in ensuring their safety and professional development.

On behalf of HOSPEEM, I wish you happy holiday and look forward to celebrating new achievements together in the coming year.

Warmest regards,
Marta Branca
Secretary General