In November and December, HOSPEEM organised, attended and spoke at a number of meetings. Firstly I will highlight the success of the HOSPEEM-HOPE Joint Workshop on AMR and CPD, which shed a new light on the complex issue of AMR with a multi-professional approach and addressing the importance of Continuous Professional Development. As a conclusion to the workshop, I called for a "PPP-approach". PPP, in this case, would stand for Public Practice Partnership involving competent authorities, professional organisations, and hospital management.
At the end of November, the HOSPEEM-EPSU Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee for the Hospital Sector (SSDC-HS) and the HOSPEEM General Assembly/Steering Committee marked a formal end to the social dialogue calendar for this year. I would like to thank again SALAR for welcoming HOSPEEM at their Brussels office. Before the winter break, HOSPEEM is looking forward to meeting with Jörg Tagger, Deputy Head of the Social Dialogue Unit of DG EMPL at the European Commission and with Ilaria Giannico, Secretary General of the European Union of Private Hospitals (UEPH).
In this newsletter, you can find HOSPEEM News, News from the Members, EU News, information on events attended, upcoming events and recent publications. This newsletter and the modernised HOSPEEM website have been conceived as interactive tools to facilitate the flow of communication from the EU level, to support the exchange of information between our members and to give your organisation’s voice a broader diffusion across Europe. Therefore, you are invited to send us your contributions to future issues.
I wish you all a happy holiday season!
Tjitte Alkema Secretary General of HOSPEEM
MEP Soledad Cabezón Ruiz (S&D, Spain) opened the workshop by reminding some alarming figures on AMR. Pascal Garel, HOPE Chief Executive, emphasized the importance of inter-professional cooperation in combatting AMR. The Head of the Disease Programmes on AMR and Health-Associated Infections (HAI) at the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), Dominique Monnet, focused on the importance of raising awareness about the prevention and control of AMR in healthcare. HOSPEEM Secretary General, Tjitte Alkema and MEP Karin Kadenbach (S&D, Austria) highlighted the importance CPD and the sharing of knowledge as potential solutions.
HOSPEEM held its last Steering Committee Meeting and General Assembly meeting of 2017 on 29 November. HOSPEEM members discussed the Secretariat’s activities, the upcoming member priorities, the latest updates in the field of Human Resources for Health as well as the 2018 meeting dates.
HOSPEEM members participated in the Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee Plenary Meeting on 30 November (SSDC-HS). Topics discussed ranged from CPD (presentations from Italian and Spanish EPSU and HOSPEEM affiliates), the SHARP survey, cross-border migration of workers (including a presentation by Antoine Savary, DG HOME on “Employers’ together for integration” and a joint presentation by the Swedish members on “fast tracks”).
“Being part of the social dialogue is very important and useful on a national level and therefore also at a EU-level in order to be well-informed and prepared. HOSPEEM gives a professional platform for networking in the specific sector of healthcare and it offers a good opportunity to influence EU-regulation. It helps seeing matters in a broader perspective. For Danish Regions, it is essential to keep up about matters that seem especially relevant from a Danish point of view. The CPD and ageing workforce are themes of great interest, there are very important issues for the social partners to agree upon.” Malene Vestergaard Sørensen, Danske Regioner
New HOSPEEM Member FIASO that recently joined HOSPEEM under ARAN's recently published its newsletter dedicating an article to FIASO's participation to the September Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee Meeting, held in Brussels on 8 September. The article focuses also on the implementation of the Directive 2010/32/EU on the prevention of sharps injuries in the hospital and healthcare sector in Italy.
As part of the Social Summit for Fair Jobs and Growth in Gothenburg, Sweden, The President of the European Parliament, Commission and Council proclaimed the European Pillar of Social Rights. Following the Summit, Prime Minister Löfven and European Commission President Juncker wrote a conclusion report serving as an input for the discussions at the European Council.
The Commission invited the Social Partners to comment on the Second Phase Consultation. The deadline for submitting comments is 5 January 2018.
As part of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund, the Commission opened a Call for Proposal, among others aiming for projects to promote swift integration of TCNs into the labour market through strengthened cooperation and mobilisation of employers and social and economic partners.
The Summit marks the end of the Healthy Workplace for All Ages campaign, which aimed at promoting a sustainable working life in the context of an ageing European workforce. HOSPEEM was an official campaign partner.
The European Commission hosted a consultation hearing on the European Labour Authority and the European Social Security Number. On 7 March 2018, the Commission will share concrete proposals.
The specificity of healthcare professions is among the issues addressed in the committee amendments. Regarding the regulation of professions providing healthcare services, “member states shall be granted a margin of discretion that is sufficient to ensure a high level of human health protection”. The rapporteur, Andreas Schwab (EPP, DE), underlined that “the good compromise [was] found that will protect the health sector in the interest of EU citizens without harming the internal market at the same time”.
In December 2017 the EPSCO Council reached a partial general approach on the revision of regulations 883/2004 and 987/2009 on the coordination of social security systems (14958/17) and approved the social and employment aspects of the euro area recommendation (15092/17). The Council also adopted a directive on the protection of workers from exposure to carcinogens or mutagens at work by setting new exposure limits.
01/11/2017: EUPHA, OECD & WHO Pre-conference “Creating a sustainable people-centred health workforce in Europe: how to make it happen?“, Stockholm. The conference aimed at exchanging knowledge, identifying relevant gaps in research and stimulating critical debate on how to create an integrated, people-centred and sustainable health workforce. HOSPEEM actively contributed by presenting the summary statement on ways forward to improve capacity building for an integrated sustainable health workforce.
07/11/2017: UEHP “Private Hospitals in Europe: Supporting Sustainable Health Systems”, European Parliament, Brussels. The debate focused in particular on transparency, improvement of quality standards in Europe, sustainability for the national health systems, fair competition between private and public sector, patient involvement and empowerment.
08/11/2017: EURACTIV Workshop with the support of COPMA “Defeating antimicrobial resistance in European hospitals: The future of hygiene in the healthcare sector", Brussels. The discussion began with the presentation by the European Commission of the new Action Plan to tackle Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR). The discussion then stressed that persistent microbial contamination of hospital surfaces and growing drug resistance of pathogens are among the main causes. Traditionally used cleaning methods show limitations in controlling pathogen contamination. The Italian services company COPMA has developed, together with the University of Ferrara, the innovative sanitation system PCHS®
13-17/11/2017: WHO Fourth Global Forum on Human Resources for Health – Building the health workforce of the future, Dublin. Tjitte Alkema participated in a high-level panel titled “Policies and Planning for Labour Market Transformation and Employment for Health”. The panel focused on exploring actions to stimulate investments in creating employment opportunities that respond to the current and future needs of the population to achieve UHC, health security and the SDGs. Moreover, HOSPEEM participated in a breakfast roundtable, organised by Women Political Leaders on the Importance of Female Leadership in Health Workforce.
15/11/2017: EAAD 10th European Antibiotic Awareness Day (EAAD) Brussels. The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) released its latest EU-wide data on antibiotic resistance, as well as its guidance on prevention and control of carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE). The data confirm that across the European Union the number of patients infected by resistant bacteria is increasing and that antibiotic resistance is a major threat to public health. Read here the HOSPEEM contribution to EAAD
17/11/2017: Regulating health professions in a European perspective, Brussels (Co-organised by the European Social Observatory together with the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, the Federal Public Service for Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment and National Institute for Health and Disability Insurance). The conference looked at the experience of EU Member States and explored how EU integration affects the organisation and regulation of health professions. The speakers discussed the impact of professional mobility on national workforce planning policies and how Member States can ensure quality and patient safety in a European and international context. After the panel, HOSPEEM gave a brief intervention on the HOSPEEM-EPSU Code of Conduct.
01/12/2017: What Strategy and Investment for Education & Training by 2030? (Co-organised by European Trade Union Confederation, CEEP, CSEE and EFEE.) The roundtable discussions focused on “education and training as a priority in the future EU budget and the place for social partners” and how to “equip workers with the right skills for the future”.
- 03/04/2018: HOSPEEM Steering Committee/General Assembly
- 20/06/2018: HOSPEEM Steering Committee/General Assembly
- 13/11/2018: HOSPEEM Steering Committee/General Assembly
- 04/04/2018: Sectoral Social Dialogue Meeting Working Group 1/2018, Brussels
- 05/04/2018: Second Meeting of the R&R Project Steering Group 2 on OSH Brussels
- 23-24/05/2018: R&R Project OSH Conference, Vilnius
- 21/06/2018: Sectoral Social Dialogue Meeting Working Group 2/2018, Brussels
- 12/11/2018: Sectoral Social Dialogue Plenary Meeting 2018, Brussels
The 2018 European Semester Annual Growth Survey published on 22 November sets out the general economic priorities for the EU and offers EU governments policy guidance for the following year. The Commission guidance is built around 3 inter-connected strands: investment, structural reforms and fiscal consolidation. The Draft Joint Employment Report analyses the employment and social situation in Europe and the policy responses of national governments. This Draft Joint Employment Report is proposed by the European Commission for adoption by the EPSCO Council.
On 23 November the European Commission published The State of Health in the EU – Country profile and the State of Health in the EU – Comparison Report 2017 and Factsheet in cooperation with the OECD and the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies. European Commission diagnoses the state of health in the EU. This two-year initiative undertaken by the European Commission provides policy makers, interest groups, and health practitioners with factual, comparative data and insights into health and health systems in EU countries.
"AMR and workplace learning-The case for a multi-professional approach in hospitals" European Parliament, November 22nd, 2017