Issue 4 - October 2017 


Dear subscriber subscriber,

September has brought some changes at HOSPEEM with the farewell to Emilie Sourdoire, Policy Officer. HOSPEEM would like to thank her for her excellent work and her commitment over the last 3 years. Simone Mohrs has joined the HOSPEEM Secretariat as Policy Officer. She is German, has a background and experience in European Public Health. She has previously worked at a healthcare consultancy agency in Germany, in the non-governmental sector in Sweden and lastly for a pharmaceutical trade association in Brussels.

The end of the year is a crucial moment in the EU annual cycle of economic policy coordination when priorities are set. In November the European Semester cycle starts with the publication of the Commission's Annual Growth Survey (AGS), the Alert Mechanism Report (AMR), the draft Joint Employment Report and recommendations. Health within the priorities of the European Semester is being shaped by the EU Members States but also by relevant stakeholders such as social partners. The Commission is also publishing the European social partners' views, for example, the Employers' views on Annual Growth Survey was published in October last year. Throughout the year, the Commission is in dialogue with stakeholders and Member States' authorities to closely monitor policy implementation. In February, the Commission publishes a country report for each Member State analysing its economic situation and progress with implementing the Member State's reform agenda. The recommendations are discussed among the governments in the Council, endorsed by EU leaders at a summit in June and formally adopted by the national finance ministers in July. Find out more about the European Semester in your country here. Read the most recent country-specific recommendations in the field of health for BulgariaFinland, IrelandLatviaLithuania.

October and November are busy months with the second meetings of the Steering Groups of the HOSPEEM-EPSU joint project on effective recruitment and retention policies that took place in Brussels on 10 & 11 October, as well as the upcoming HOSPEEM-HOPE joint workshop on Antimicrobial Resistance and Continuing Professional Development on 22 November. 

 In this newsletter, you can find HOSPEEM News, News from the Members, EU News, information on events attended, upcoming events and recent publications. This newsletter has been conceived as an interactive tool to support the exchange of information between our members and giving your organisation’s voice a broader diffusion across Europe.

You are very welcome to send us your contributions to include in the future issues.

Enjoy your reading!

Tjitte Alkema



HOSPEEM Study visit to Bulgaria 

HOSPEEM visited its Bulgarian member organisation NUPH, the National Union of Private Hospitals on 27 September, 2017 in Sofia. HOSPEEM had the opportunity to visit two hospitals and meetings provided the opportunity to discuss hospitals’ management and human resources, their functioning and activities and to get an insight into the system of bargaining in Bulgaria. Read more. 

Hospital Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee on September 8

HOSPEEM members participated in the Second Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee meeting of the year on 8 September in Brussels. HOSPEEM and EPSU had the opportunity to exchange views on the current revision of the EU Directives in the field of health and safety at workplace and to discuss it with Ms. Valeria D’Agostini from DG EMPL.

Ms. Ana Xavier, from DG EMPL (Unit Employment and social aspect of European Semester) presented the relevance and the impact of the European Semester on health and care services and the role national and European sectoral social partners. 

During the meeting, HOSPEEM members and EPSU affiliates also exchanged ideas on the joint HOSPEEM-EPSU project on recruitment and retention (2017-2018) in view of the second Conference on musculoskeletal disorders and psychosocial risks at the workplace, scheduled in Vilnius on May 23 and 24 2017.

LinkedIn European healthcare professionals platform on CPD

A LinkedIn employers' network was created by NVZ with the support of HOSPEEM following up on the Amsterdam conference on CPD. With this LinkedIn group, employers are given a platform to share information and experiences with regards to the labour market, training, education, CPD and LLL. All contributions in the field of CPD-LLL are welcome. Read the latest group post here



Members’ profile: NHS European Office

The NHS (National Health Service) European Office is the U.K. member of HOSPEEM. Based in Brussels since 2007, the NHS European office is part of the NHS Confederation, the representative body for the range of NHS organisations in England. The NHS Confederation brings together and speaks on behalf of more than 560 NHS organisations which plan, commission and provide healthcare for the people of England. The NHS is the biggest employer in the UK, employing over a million staff in England alone.

As a major employer, the NHS is particularly impacted by employment legislation and policy, for example on health and safety and work/life balance, and has contributed actively to HOSPEEM’s social dialogue with EPSU and liaison with the European Commission and Parliament on these topics. Like other healthcare employers across Europe, the NHS faces challenges such as an ageing population, ageing workforce, rising demand and staff shortages, and we find sharing approaches and solutions to these challenges with other European healthcare employers extremely valuable. We have also both contributed to and learnt a great deal from HOSPEEM and EPSU’s successful recent projects promoting continuing professional development and lifelong learning for healthcare staff, and tackling work-related stress and musculoskeletal problems.

Following the UK referendum vote to leave the EU, the Office is now very closely involved in raising awareness of the impact of « Brexit » on patients, healthcare employers, commissioners, providers and researchers and on public health across the EU, for the benefit of both EU and UK citizens and healthcare systems. We are actively briefing and campaigning for a mutually beneficial outcome from the Brexit negotiations. Read more.

FIASO - The Italian Federation of Healthcare and Hospitals recently joined HOSPEEM under the lead of ARAN

FIASO represents the largest number of healthcare and hospital companies, medical and hospital care institutes (IRCCS) located throughout Italy. Among its activities, FIASO counts: strategic planning, training courses, working groups on specific dossiers, task forces and networks of experts. Read more

Interviews with Dutch nurses by NVZ

Dutch nurses share how continuing professional development has enriched their professional development in four videos projected during the Amsterdam conference on CPD. Charlotte Schoenmaker highlights the importance of interdisciplinarity, coaching as well as evidence-based practice and research. Linda Koolen speaks about the challenges to keep up with the latest developments as a nurse and the added value of individualized training. Joost Sijtsma describes the inner motivation required for successful personal development and the positive outcomes for hospital quality care and innovation. Maaike Stout explains how learning methods based on peer-learning and peer-review have been recently developed to facilitate the professional development of nurses and the quality of patient care. 



State of the Union Address 2017

On Wednesday 13 September 2017, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, delivered his annual speech on the State of the European Union.In his address at the European Parliament, President Juncker stressed the need for a European Labour Authority. This would ensure that EU rules on labour mobility are enforced in a fair, simple and effective way. By the end of 2018, he plans to have finalised the proposal for the Authority and to further the initiative of a European Social Security Number. Find the factsheet here

EPSCO meeting in Luxembourg 

On 23 October, the EU Employment and Social Policy ministers during the EPSCO Council meeting agreed on the text of the Proclamation of the European Pillar of Social Rights. This gives the European Council, Parliament and Commission the authority to sign the proclamation on behalf of the member states at the Gothenburg Summit on 17 November. Press release by European Council.

EU OSHA presents new estimates on data available “Cost to society of work-related injury and illness”

At the XXI World Congress on Safety and Health at Work, held in Singapore on 3‑6 September, the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) together with the International Labour Organization present new estimates of the cost of poor occupational safety and health. The new findings reveal that work-related ill-health and injury is costing the European Union 3.3 % of its GDP. Worldwide they result in the loss of 3.9 % of GDP, at an annual cost of roughly €2 680 billion. Read more.

European Week for safety and health at work – Healthy workplaces for all ages

This year the European Week for Safety and Health at Work will be held in Bilbao from October 23rd to 27th. Hundreds of awareness-raising events will also take place across the EU and beyond. Activities include special film screenings, social media events, conferences, exhibitions, competitions and training sessions. Organised by the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) and its partners, the European Week 2017 has the campaign theme at their heart, and the activities will focus on raising awareness of the importance of a sustainable working life. HOSPEEM is an official partner of the 2016-2017 campaign on healthy workplaces for all ages and you may read more about the campaign here.

The EU-OSHA Healthy Workplaces Summit 2017

The Summit 2017 will be held in Bilbao, Spain on 21 and 22 November 2017. The event will bring together leading European experts and decision makers to discuss the results of the two-year campaign, exchange good practice and explore future strategies for promoting sustainable workplaces in European enterprises, through plenary and smaller parallel sessions and discussion. Download the programme.

EU-OSHA Campaign on Dangerous Substances 2018–2019

The 2018-19 campaign will focus on dangerous substances with the aim of raising awareness and promoting a prevention culture in workplaces across the EU, as well as targeting specific groups of workers such as women, migrant workers, young people, workers at increased risk because of the sector or job they work in, temporary workers and workers in the informal economy. Read more on the objectives of the campaign.

EU study – possible amendment of the CMD for Formaldehyde

On 20 October 2017, Tjitte Alkema was approached by a UK based EU policy consultancy to give a brief interview on “possible amendments of the Directive 2004/37/EC on the protection of workers from exposure to carcinogens or mutagens at work”, in particular focusing on formaldehyde. He shared his views from the perspective of NVZ.



10-11/10/2017: HOSPEEM-EPSU Project Steering Group Meeting on CPD and OSH

The second meetings of the Steering Groups of the HOSPEEM-EPSU Joint project on effective recruitment and retention policies took place in Brussels gathering more than 14 participants who reflected on the first conference on Continuing Professional Development (CPD) in Amsterdam and started the preparations for the second conference on Occupational Health and Safety (OSH) in Vilnius.

12/10/2017: Conference on Standardization and Health

The HOSPEEM Secretariat attended the conference on Standardization and Health at the Permanent Representation of Germany to the EU. The conference was organised jointly by the European Representation of the German Social Insurance, the German Hospital Federation and the German Medical Association. George Baum, former President of HOPE, Chief Executive of the German Hospital Federation and member of HOPE spoke about the impact of standardisation in the hospital sector. According to Baum, the hospital and healthcare sector in Germany has little to no demand for standardisation as it was proposed by the European Committee for Standardization (CEN). He acknowledged the need for measuring patient safety and to differentiate between binding and non-binding standardisations in the sector, also considering that the delivery of health service and medical care is the responsibility of the Member State. Other speakers include Dr. Günther Jonitz, President of the Berlin Chamber of Physicians and Penny Clarke, Deputy Secretary General, EPSU.


HOSPEEM events - SAVE the DATE! 

22/11/2017: HOSPEEM and HOPE will host a joint Workshop on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) and Continuing Professional Development (CDP). The workshop will focus on continuous multi-interprofessional training related to AMR for the correct understanding and use of antibiotics by staff and patients and the prevention of infections. Register before 6 November.

29/11/2017: HOSPEEM Steering Committee/General Assembly, Brussels
30/11/2017: HOSPEEM – EPSU Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee for the Hospital Sector, Brussels

Other events - SAVE the DATE! 

1/11/2017: EUPHA, OECD & WHO European Public Health Pre-conference "Creating a sustainable people-centred health workforce in Europe: how to make it happen?", Stockholm

7/11/2017: UEHP "Private Hospitals in Europe: Supporting Sustainable Health Systems" The European Union of Private Hospitals, in collaboration with the EPP group of the European Parliament, will official launch its Factbook "Private Hospitals in Europe: Supporting Sustainable Health Systems", European Parliament. 

8/11/2017: EURACTIV Workshop with the support of COPMA "Defeating antimicrobial resistance in European hospitals: The future of hygiene in the healthcare sector", Brussels

13-17/11/2017: WHO Fourth Global Forum on Human Resources for Health – Building the health workforce of the future, Dublin. 

17/11/2017: Social Summit for Fair Jobs and Growth, Gothenburg (Co-organised by Sweden’s Prime Minister Stefan Löfven and the European Commission’s President Jean-Claude Juncker)

17/11/2017: Regulating health professions in a European perspective, Brussels (Co-organised by the European Social Observatory together with the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, the Federal Public Service for Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment and National Institute for Health and Disability Insurance)

20-24/11/2017: Lifelong Learning Platform, Lifelong Learning Week, Brussels

28/11/2017: ETUC, BUSINESSEUROPE, CEEP and UEAPME  Seminar “Promoting social partnership in employee training”, Warsaw



Regulatory Fitness and Performance Programme – REFIT Scoreboard Summary 

On 24 October 2017, the EC published its annual REFIT Scoreboard Summary, mentioning OSH as a planned initiative under its 5th priority on simplification and burden reduction for a deeper and fairer economic monetary Union. Together with its 2018 Work Programme. Read more. 

EC VADEMECUM 2017 – A Practical Guide for EU Social Partner Organisations and their National Affiliates to Commission support to EU Social Dialogue

The 2017 edition of the “VADEMECUM – A Practical Guide for EU Social Partner Organisations and their National Affiliates to Commission support to EU Social Dialogue" was published this summer. 

EC 2017 review on employment and Social Developments in Europe 

The review published by the EC analysis the key social and employment concerns of the EU and its Member States, contributing to the European Semester and the European Pillar of Social Rights. Chapter 5 focuses on effective social dialogue, explicitly mentioning HOSPEEM and EPSU’s guidelines of good practice to address the challenges of an ageing healthcare workforce in 2013. Download review

EC Social Agenda 48 and 49

The Summer issue of the social agenda published by the European Commission is mainly about the European Pillar of Social Rights with a chapter dedicated to occupational health and safety (p12-13), with a section on work-life balance (p19) and with a section on working time (p22-23). The Autumn issue of the social agenda on the topic of vocational education and training was also published.

Eurofound annual review 2016 - Developments in working life in Europe

The report, published by Eurofund presents the latest developments in working conditions, including the dialogue on health, safety and well-being at work as well as industrial relations and across the EU and Norway. Read more.

EC Annual Review 2017 - Labour Market and Wage Developments in Europe

The review, analyses recent employment developments, looking at the euro area and the EU in comparison with its global trading partners. It also provides information on the healthcare sector. According to the review, the strongest growth rate was recorded in public administration and the health sector, in particular Croatia, Hungary, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, and Sweden. Read more.

EC Quarterly Review - Employment and Social Development in Europe - October 2017

The Employment and Social Development in Europe (ESDE) Quarterly Review highlights continuing economic growth in the EU together with a steady decrease in unemployment. Economic growth has been the main driver behind the recovery in employment. Read more.

EC Proposal for a council recommendation on a European Framework for Quality and Effective Apprenticeships Criteria for learning and working conditions

The European Commission proposal highlights several criteria to ensure the quality and effectiveness of apprenticeship schemes, including health and safety conditions. Proposal here.

Resolution towards a sustainable health workforce in the WHO European Region: framework for action

At the 67th session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe, Member States adopted a resolution to transform the health workforce in the WHO European Region to ensure that it is sustainable and able to respond to current and future health needs. Download the resolution en EN, FR or DE

“Working for Health”: A Five-Year Action Plan for Health Employment and Inclusive Economic Growth (2017–21) 

The 70th World Health Assembly adopted the 5-year action plan for health employment and inclusive economic growth (2017–2021). In this context the report "Working for Health: A Five-Year Action Plan for Health Employment and Inclusive Economic Growth (2017–21)" presents the case for more and better investment in the health workforce. 
