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The year 2022 at a glance

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2022 has been a year rich in achievements and fruitful exchanges for HOSPEEM - The European Hospital and Healthcare Employers’ Association.
In June 2022, social partners signed the updated Framework of Actions on Recruitment and Retention, re-commiting to initiatives that can strengthen the resilience of the health workforce in Europe.

HOSPEEM spoke at various EU fora, for instance, at the European Economic and Social Committee - EESC and at the Joint HOSPEEM-EPSU Technical Seminar the Digital Health Transformation of Integrated Care in Europe with presentations from employers in Belgium, Czech Republic and Cyprus.

This report presents key information on HOSPEEM and the Social Dialogue activities carried out in the past year.
HOSPEEM is the European Hospital and Healthcare Employers’ Association. HOSPEEM represents national hospital employers’ organisations and promotes their interests on workforce-related issues in the hospital and healthcare sector. HOSPEEM is a key player in the European Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee for the Hospital Sector (SSDC HS) that was set up in 2006, together with the European Federation of Public Service Unions - EPSU, our trade union counterpart. HOSPEEM is a structured platform of employers supplying services of general interest, with a unique expertise and a distinct voice. HOSPEEM is a sectoral member of Services of General Interest Europe - SGI Europe.
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