HOSPEEM Study visit to Denmark in March 2017
HOSPEEM visited its Danish member organisation Danish Regions on 22 March 2017 in Copenhagen.
A meeting at Danish Regions provided the opportunity to discuss about their activities and current priorities and to exchange on the Danish healthcare system and on the most prominent challenges in the hospital and healthcare sector in Denmark.
We in particular exchanged about the Danish value-based healthcare initiative and digitalization in general being implemented in Danish hospitals.
During this study visit, HOSPEEM also had the opportunity to exchange about assessment of skill needs and cross-sectoral competence development. Working hour arrangements and how they affect workers’ health were also discussed.
HOSPEEM would like to express its sincere thanks to Malene Vestergaard Sørensen, Eva Weinreich-Jensen and Morten Slabiak for the warm welcome and the enriching and fruitful exchange. We would also like to thank warmly Signe Friberg Nielsen, Pernille Moll, Jette Steenberg Holtzmann and Anne Helene Garde for their very enlightening contributions.
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