Join us to be involved in the European Sectoral Social Dialogue for the Hospital Sector and influence policy-making at EU level !

The voice of hospital employers in Europe

HOSPEEM represents national hospital employers’ organisations and promotes their interests on workforce-related issues in the hospital and healthcare sector. HOSPEEM is a structured platform of employers supplying services of general interest, with a unique expertise and a distinct voice. Our members benefit from our network of influential stakeholders at EU level and HOSPEEM is successfully ensuring that the views of employers are being heard at the highest level in the European institutions.

Who can apply to HOSPEEM

Associations from EU Member States, or the countries belonging to EFTA (European Free Trade Association) or in the United Kingdom representing hospital and/or healthcare employers at national and/or local level with the powers to negotiate on pay, terms and conditions of service with their respective trade union partners.

For more information on the full and observer members of HOSPEEM across Europe, visit Our Members and Representatives page.

Do not hesitate to contact us for further information regarding membership

all enquiries or request for membership should be addressed to the HOSPEEM Secretariat.


Key benefits of getting involved in HOSPEEM and in the Hospital Sector Social Dialogue

As a HOSPEEM member, you will: