HOSPEEM-HOPE joint Workshop on AMR & CPD
The European Hospital and Healthcare Federation (HOPE) and the European Hospital and Healthcare Employers' Association (HOSPEEM) organised the following workshop:
HOSPEEM-HOPE joint Workshop on Antimicrobial Resistance and Continuing Professional Development: “AMR and workplace learning-The case for a multi-professional approach in hospitals"
European Parliament, November 22nd, 2017
Agenda and Media release:
Download the Agenda
Download the Media release
“Prevention and control of AMR in healthcare: raising awareness about best practices” - Dominique Monnet, ECDC, Head of the Disease Programmes on AMR and HAI
“A European One Health action plan on AMR” - Angela Bolufer, European Commission, Member of the AMR Task force
“Collaborating to increase Patient Safety” - Denis Herbaux, CEO, Platform for Continuous Improvement of Quality of Care and Patient Safety (PAQS), Belgium
“The need for cooperation from a One Health perspective against AMR” - Marcel Mennen, Project Manager AMR, National Institute for Public Health and Environment, the Netherlands
This Workshop addressed the importance of continuing professional development for the correct understanding and use of antibiotics by hospital staff and patients and the prevention of infections. Good practice examples to train staff in combatting Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) in the hospital sector were presented to foster the discussion.
The event also provided the opportunity to emphasize the importance of inter-professional cooperation in combatting AMR. The date chosen for the Workshop allowed to connect the event to the activities planned for the 2017 European Antibiotic Awareness Day (EAAD) and the launch of the new EAAD Toolkit for Hospital Staff.
The workshop was hosted by MEP Soledad Cabezón Ruiz (Spain, S&D) and took place at the European Parliament, from 15.00 to 17.00 in Room P1C047.
Twitter: #FightAMRinHospitals, @euhospitals, @HOSPEEM
Photo credits: Mattia Braida, 2017
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