HOSPEEM Study Visit to Finland in November 2015
Following the social partners’ conference on approaches to the issue of psychosocial risks and stress at work organised in Helsinki on 10 November 2015, HOSPEEM visited its Finnish member’s organisation, the Commission for Local Authority Employers – CLAE (or Local Government Employers – KT Kuntatyönantajat), on 11 November.
A first meeting at CLAE provided the opportunity to discuss about their functioning and the activities they carry out and to exchange on their current priorities and the most prominent challenges in Finland, especially with regard to the healthcare system and occupational safety and health issues.
The afternoon was dedicated to a visit to the Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa (HUS), a non-profit joint authority owned by 24 municipalities and employing over 22,000 professionals. HOSPEEM had the opportunity to meet with the Human Resources Director of the Hospital District. It was very interesting to hear about the way HUS deals with occupational safety and health issues, in particular with work-related psycho-social risks and stress, and about human resources development and patient safety issues. These presentations where followed by a visit to the unit specialised in liver surgery.
HOSPEEM would like to thank Henrika Nybondas-Kangas, Johanna Karlström, Taija Hämäläinen and Eeva Nypelö, as well as the staff of the Helsinki University Hospital, for the warm welcome and the fruitful exchange.
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