HOSPEEM Study visit to Bulgaria in September 2017
HOSPEEM visited its Bulgarian member organisation NUPH – National Union of Private Hospitals on September 27, 2017 in Sofia. HOSPEEM had the opportunity to visit two hospitals, members of NUPH, the Academy City Clinic Tokuda, the biggest private hospital in Sofia and Polimed, a small hospital located in the capital. Meetings were arranged with Ms. Boryana Marinkova, PR and marketing officer of Tokuda and with Tsvetan Dimanov, Executive Manager of Polimed.
The visit provided the opportunity to discuss about hospitals’ management and human resources, their functioning and activities and to get an insight into the system of bargaining in Bulgaria. The meeting also provided the opportunity to exchange about the impact of budgetary shortages for the private hospitals and the ongoing problem of fair recruitment and self-sufficiency in their training of health professionals. HOSPEEM would like to express its sincere thanks to Krasimir Grudev, NUPH Board of Directors, the representatives and the staff of the hospitals for the warm welcome and the enriching and fruitful exchange.
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