Webinar 2: Gender-based violence and harassment
The webinar was the second of a series of events as part of our joint project with EPSU, CEMR, CESI, ETUCE, EUPAE, ETF, UITP, and ETNO on the role of social partners in preventing third-party violence and harassment at work took place on 24 September 2021 – 14:00-16:30 CET.
The webinar aimed to better understand gender-based violence and its consequences on workers, to discuss prevention and management measures at the workplace while sharing initial views on the potential update of the Guidelines.
The project examined and discussed the prevalence, causes and impact of third-party violence and harassment at work in the partners’ respective sectors and recent legislative and social partners’ responses to this major health and safety matter of common concern.
It aimed to assess the application at the national level of 2010 Multi-sectoral Guidelines to tackle third-party violence and harassment related to work and whether further actions might be needed to make its implementation more effective.
The project focuses on the following sectors: hospitals, prison services, employment services, front line workers in local and regional government, secondary schools, urban public transport as well as telecoms.
Interpretation was provided to and from English, French, Italian and Spanish.
Overview of survey responses and overview of measures against domestic violence at the workplace, Jane Pillinger, Project consultant
Ending violence and harassment in the world of work, ILO Convention 190 and Recommendation 206, presentation by Manuela Tomei, ILO
Agenda and report
Draft agenda (as of 31 August 2021)
- Guideline regarding violence, harassment, including bullying, harassment and unwanted sexual attention in SE (Revideret_regional_retningslinje)
- An introduction to dialogue cards regarding harassment in SE (Intro til dialogkort om krænkende handlinger)
- Worth knowing about social media in SE (Værd at vide om sociale medier)
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This project has received financial support from the European Union
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