Webinar 5: Protection and compensation of victims of violence or harassment
The webinar is the fifth of a series of events as part of our joint project with EPSU, CEMR, CESI, ETUCE, EUPAE, ETF, UITP, and ETNO on the role of social partners in preventing third-party violence and harassment at work. It took place on Friday 4 March 2022– 10:00-12:30 CET.
Draft Agenda (As of 11th February)
- Overview of previous webinar – Findings from the TPV survey – Overview of European and international provisions, Dr. Jane Pillinger, Project consultant
- Multi-sectoral:Trade union initiatives for the protection of victims of all types of violence, Dr. Alessandra Menelao, UIL, Italy
- Transport sector: CBA agreements on victim support and compensation, Kremena Dimitrova, FTTUB, Bulgaria
- Education sector: Lobby action for the revision of the national Penal Code, Yordan Krasev, SEB, Bulgaria
Zoom recording
Report of the Webinar 5 – 4 March 2022
Interpretation was provided in: English, French, Spanish, Italian, Bulgarian and Hungarian
EPSU also set up a page with the project-related information.
This project has received financial support from the European Union
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