HOSPEEM-EPSU project – Media release: Social Partners’ Conference on OSH
A joint conference organised by EPSU and HOSPEEM took place in Vilnius on the 23rd and 24th of May with the support of the Lithuanian EPSU affiliate Lietuvos sveikatos apsaugos darbuotojų profesinė sąjunga (LSADPS).
The aim of the conference was to pursue and expand the social partners’ thematic focus on the prevention and reduction of the two occupational health and safety hazards most widespread in the hospital/healthcare sector: musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) and psychosocial risks and stress at work (PSRS@W).
It brought together more than 100 participants from 17 EU Member States and from 2 non-EU countries, including 30 participants from Lithuania.
The conference was held in the framework of the joint project (2017-2018) which aims at first supporting the sectoral social partners in the hospital/healthcare sector and their national member organisations to achieve improved and attractive recruitment and effective retention conditions and second at facilitating the identification of good practice examples, the exchange of knowledge and mutual learning processes.
HOSPEEM and EPSU were honoured by the presence of Dr. Vytenis Andriukaitis, European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, DG SANTE who referred to their relevant initiatives on patient safety and the health workforce, calling for a continued cooperation and exchange with EPSU and HOSPEEM.
EPSU and HOSPEEM have expressed their intention to pursue the thematic work on the two conference topics in the coming years. The information collected, the project results and good practice will disseminated.
Vilnius, Lithuania – 24th May 2018
This project is supported with funds from the European Commission
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