Joint Statement of HOSPEEM and EPSU on the new EU Occupational Safety and Health Policy Framework

On 31 May 2013, the European Commission launched a public consultation further to results of the evaluation of the European Strategy on Safety and Health at Work 2007-2012. This was aimed at gathering contributions from the public for the new EU policy framework. Welcoming this initiative, HOSPEEM and EPSU responded to the consultation (see HOSPEEM response).

At the Plenary meeting of the sectoral social dialogue for the hospital sector held on 11 December 2013 HOSPEEM and EPSU approved a joint statement. With this document, HOSPEEM and EPSU aim to highlight common priorities and views for the new EU policy framework on occupational safety and health at work.

Download the Joint Statement

Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee for the Hospital and Healthcare Sector: Main activities and outcomes in 2013

In this document you can find the highlights of the work of the HOSPEEM-EPSU Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee for the Hospital and Healthcare Sector.

In 2013 the Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee for the Hospital and Healthcare Sector dealt with a range of topics, carried out project-related activities and agreed on several documents.

Download the document

Report Final Conference Barcelona 20 June 2013

Brussels, 26 June 2013/18 September 2013

Joint EPSU-HOSPEEM Project “Promotion and support of the implementation of Directive 2010/32/EU on the prevention of sharps injuries in the hospital and health care sector”

Final Conference – Barcelona, 20 June 2013

The final conference with about 95 participants from 24 out of 28 EU Member States (including Croatia to adhere to the EU as of 1 July 2013) took place on 20 June 2013 in Barcelona. It was hosted by EPSU affiliate Federación de Servicios Públicos Unión General de Trabajadores (FSP UGT) and organised by EPSU and HOSPEEM.

Please read the Joint HOSPEEM-EPSU Press Release.
PDF - 304.4 ko Joint Press Release

DRAFT programme (as of 24 May 2013) – in EN only

PDF - 365.6 ko Final Conference Barcelona DRAFT Programme (as of 24 May 2013)
N.B. : Event with simultaneous interpretation from and into the following five languages : English, French, German, Italian and Spanish

Please have a look into the final project report (comprising information on the three regional seminars, the final conference and the various EU countries covered, drafted by ICF GHK (Dr. Tina Weber)

Final Report Project + Final Conference – EN
Final Report Project + Final Conference – FR
Final Report Project + Final Conference – ES
Final Report Project + Final Conference – PL
Final Report Project + Final Conference – DE

Please have a look at photos taken at the event.


We have uploaded below the slide sets used by the speakers for their presentations (in the original language and when this was not in English also translated into EN).

Implementation of Directive 2010/32/EU on prevention of sharps injuries in the hospital and health care sector :
Presentation to Project Closing Conference 20th June 2013, Barcelona (Dr. Tina Weber, ICF GHK)
PDF - 918.7 ko Presentation Weber

Nadelstichverordnung : Umsetzung und praktische Erfahrungen / Needlestick directive : Implementation and practical experience
Renate Waclawiczek, Head of the Department for Occupational Medicine, Salzburg Regional Hospitals (SALK), Salzburg
PDF - 204 ko Presentation Austria (Renate Waclawiczek) – DE
PDF - 187.6 ko Presentation Austria (Renate Waclawiczek) – EN

Mise en application de la directive 2010/32/UE “Prévention des blessures par objets tranchants dans le secteur hospitalier et sanitaire” en Bulgarie / Implementation of Directive 2010/32/EU on the prevention of sharps injuries in the hospital and healthcare sector in Bulgaria
Slava Zlatanova, Vice-President, Federation of Trade Unions-Health Services – CITUB, Sofia
PDF - 470.6 ko Presentation Bulgaria (Slava Zlatanova) – EN

PDF - 472.5 ko Presentation Bulgaria (Slava Zlatanova) – FR

Richtlinie 2010/32/EU zur Vermeidung von Verletzungen mit spitzen und scharfen Gegenständen : Prozeß der Umsetzung in Deutschland / Directive 2010/32/EU on the prevention of sharps injuries in the hospital and health care sector : Process of transposition of directive in Germany & Die Rolle von ver.di bei der Implementierung der EU Richtlinie 2010/32/EU in Deutschland / The role of ver.di in implementing -EU Directive 2010/32/EU in Germany
Sabine Niemeyer, Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS), Bonn & Herbert Beck, ver.di, Head of Staff Council/Employee Committee of the University Clinic Heidelberg, Heidelberg
PDF - 157 ko Presentation Germany Part 1 (Sabine Niemeyer) – EN

PDF - 158.3 ko Presentation Germany Part 1 (Sabine Niemeyer) – DE

PDF - 596.9 ko Presentation Germany Part 2 (Herbert Beck) – EN

PDF - 588 ko Presentation Germany Part 2 (Herbert Beck) – DE

Implementation of Good Practice in a Dublin Hospital
Dr. Blanaid Hayes, Consultant Occupational Physician, Beaumont Hospital, Dublin
PDF - 926.2 ko Presentation Ireland (Blanaid Hayes) – EN

The Netherlands
Effect of Directive 2010/32/EC, its impact at workplace level. How does it decrease the number of NSI’s in Dutch hospitals ?
Dr. Gerard Frijstein, Occupational Physician, Academic Medical Centre University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam

PDF - 637.3 ko Presentation The Netherlands (Gerard Frijstein) – EN

Presentation on situation in Norway
Bjørn Henriksen, Special Advisor, Employers’ Association SPEKTER
PDF - 160 ko Presentation Norway (Björn Henriksen) – EN

The use of guidance developed by FSP UGT when informing and training health workers and their representatives
Pilar Navarro Barrios, Head of Sector “Public Health Care”, FSP UGT
N.B. : No slide set available, oral presentation delivered by Pilar Navarro Barrios, FSP UGT. You can have a look to the user manual elaborated on page “Guidance (Guidelines, Handbooks, Tool Kits, Films)”

A strategy and a toolkit to reduce sharp injuries in health care and medical services
Prof. Dr. Ann-Beth Antonsson (with contributions from Lisa Schmidt and Gabriella Östlund), Swedish Environmental Research Institute, Stockholm
PDF - 295.7 ko Presentation Sweden (Ann-Beth Antonsson) – EN

United Kingdom
Good Practice : guidance, handbooks and toolkits. The UK Partnership Guidelines – from theory to practice
Kim Sunley, Royal College of Nursing (RCN), London, & Dr. Ann Stansfield, Peterborough City Hospital / NHS Foundation Trust, Peterborough
PDF - 1 Mo Presentation United Kingdom (Kim Sunley & Ann Stansfield) – EN

Prevention of injuries with medical sharps :
Experiences and expectations from the perspective of nurses and doctors. The role of occupational safety and health (OSH) strategies, policies and measures
Dr. Paulo Cristiano do Nascimento Simões, General Surgery Consultant Hospital Santa Cruz-CHLO, Lisbon / Sindicato Independente dos Medicos (SIM), Portuguese member of European Federation Of Salaried Doctors (FEMS))

PDF - 1.5 Mo Presentation do Nascimento Simões (FEMS)

The file below contains a short presentation of HOSPEEM and EPSU as well as a summary of the activities and outcomes of the sectoral social dialogue committee in the hospital/health care sector in 2012.
PDF - 341.8 ko Presentation HOSPEEM & EPSU + Activities & Outcomes 2012 SSDC HS

This project has received funding from the European Commission

HOSPEEM replies to the EC public consultation on occupational health & safety

HOSPEEM has replied to the public consultation launched by the European Commission further to the results of the evaluation of the European Strategy on Safety and Health at Work 2007-2012 (

The aim of the consultation is to identify current and future challenges in the occupational safety and health area and instruments to tackle these challenges.

In its reply HOSPEEM supported the approach to define common general objectives for the future health and safety policies at European level. However, the organisation stated that actions in this field have to be targeted on each national situation, legislation, organisation and practice. HOSPEEM emphasised also the importance of social partners’ involvement in the future health and safety-related initiatives.

HOSPEEM_reply_EC_public consultation_on_OSH