Commitment to the WHO Charter on Health Worker Safety: A Priority for Patient Safety

Brussels, 16 November

HOSPEEM expresses its commitment to the World Health Organizations’ Charter on Health Worker Safety: A Priority for Patient Safety. We agree that the health, safety, and well-being of health workers is a prerequisite for an effective response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Besides the already mentioned key measures, HOSPEEM commits to the following:

1. Establish synergies between health worker safety and patient safety policies and strategies.

Aim to ensure the health workers’ safety when implementing the HOSPEEM-EPSU Joint Declaration on CPD and LLL for All Health Workers in the EU, which has been adopted in 2016.

2. Develop and implement national programmes for better occupational health and safety of health workers.

Updating the HOSPEEM-EPSU Framework of Actions on Recruitment and Retention (2010) with lessons’ learnt from COVID-19 and previous joint projects on occupational safety and health.

3. Protect health workers from violence in the workplace.

Promote the implementation of the Multi-sectoral guidelines to tackle third-party violence and harassment related to work, signed in 2010 and reaffirmed in 2020.

4. Improve mental health and psychological well-being of the health workforce.

Collect lessons learnt from national sectoral social partners in the hospital sector in the context of COVID-19 and create space for the exchange of good practices on improving mental health and the psychological well-being of the health workforce.

5. Protect health workers from physical and biological hazards.

Monitoring the developments of the Carcinogens and Mutagens Directive 2004/37/EC concerning the inclusion of hazardous medicinal products and cytotoxic substances as well as the development of non-binding measures in this regard.

Active participation as Official Campaign Partner in the EU-OSHA Healthy Workplace Campaign Lighten the Load (2020-2022).

Promoting the implementation of the Medical Sharps Directive 2010/32/EU in the European Member States by strengthening synergies with other relevant stakeholders.

Aim to ensure availability of personal protective equipment (PPE), relevant to the roles and tasks performed, in adequate quantity, of appropriate fit and acceptable quality.

Download the HOSPEEM committment to the WHOs’ Charter on Health Worker Safety (Pdf)

Nb: WHO invites all Member States, intergovernmental organizations, international organizations and relevant stakeholders to support and endorse this charter by signing up.

WHO technical resources – useful links:

Image credits: Courtesy of the World Health Organisation, 2020

Final report 2019 – follow-up on the Directive 2010/32/EU on the prevention from sharps injuries in the hospital and healthcare sector

On 13 February 2019, during the first meeting of the Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee for the Hospital Sector, HOSPEEM and EPSU adopted the final report on the “Follow-up on the Directive 2010/32/EU on the prevention from sharps injuries in the hospital and healthcare sector” as part of the current HOSPEEM-EPSU Work Programme 2017 – 2019.

The report provides information on the role and impact of the national social partners during relevant stages of the transposition and implementation of the Directive.

The report builds on 30 replies from HOSPEEM members and EPSU affiliates (in 3 cases joint replies) from 20 countries, including from outside the EU also from Norway and Serbia. It also contains recommendations to the national and EU-level social partners, to European institutions (in particular to the European Commission and EU-OSHA) as well as to EU MS.

The report published in 2019 is the second follow-up activity carried out by HOSPEEM and EPSU in relation to the Directive 2010/32/EU after their joint project in 2012 and 2013. More information on the project and the project report from 2012-2013 is also available.

 Final report 2019

 Sharps report summary brochure for Social partners

 Sharps report summary brochure for EU institutions and agencies

 Sharps report summary brochure for Member States

The Dutch solution to the legal transposition of medical sharps

The development of Health and Safety Catalogues [arbocatalogus] is relatively new in the Netherlands. Dutch legislators have decided to give employers and employees at sector level a significant degree of responsability for health and safety policy. Centralised policy rules and regulations give way to sector-specific customisation. For example The Health and Safety catalogue for the hospital sector has been developed for all members of the Dutch Hospital Association (HOSPEEM Member NVZ- Nederlandse Vereniging van Ziekenhuizen) and organisations covered by the collective agreement of the hospital sector in the Netherlands. This Health and Safety catalogue also covers the use of medical sharps.

In the Netherlands the Dutch Working Conditions Act (Arbeidsomstandighedenwet) determines target requirements for safety and health at work and serves as a guideline. But the Health and Safety catalogue at sector level provides a description of the means and methods agreed upon by employers and employees to meet the target requirements of the Working Conditions Act. In the Health and Safety catalogue employers’ organisations and trade unions describe, on their own initiative, how they will meet the target requirements, including the use of medical sharps for the hospital sector. It is also possible to link a collective agreement with a Health and Safety catalogue and this emphasises the official nature of the Health and Safety catalogue.

To read more about the position of the Dutch Health and Safety catalogue in the Dutch Health and Safety legislation, download the summary.

To find out  what is a Health and Safety catalogue in the Netherlands, download the leaflet of the Dutch Labour Foundation (2007).


Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee for the Hospital and Healthcare Sector: Main activities and outcomes in 2013

In this document you can find the highlights of the work of the HOSPEEM-EPSU Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee for the Hospital and Healthcare Sector.

In 2013 the Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee for the Hospital and Healthcare Sector dealt with a range of topics, carried out project-related activities and agreed on several documents.

Download the document

Film DG EMPL "From needlesticks to sharps. The added value"

In Europe, it is estimated that there are 1 million needlestick injuries annually. Film produced by the European Commission, DG EMPL, on the genesis and the year-long policy process towards the adoption of directive 2010/32/EU to prevent injuries with medical sharps.

Watch the video in English:

Watch the video in Spanish:

Link to DG EMPL webpage for the video in other languages

Guidance (Guidelines, Handbooks, Tool Kits, Films)



European Commission / DG EMPL :
Film “From needlesticks to sharps. The added value (in 21 languages)

European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU OSHA), Bilbao
a) Information on prevention from sharp injuries at the workplace (available in many languages, the link is the one to the English language webpage)
b) E-fact 40 – Risk assessment and needlestick injuries
c) Factsheet 41 – Biological agents
d) E-fact 40 – Risk assessment for care workers

European Biosafety Network :
Implementation Guidance Toolkit for EU Council Directive 2010/32/EU (version of January 2013)

PDF - 583.9 ko EBN Toolkit Implementation Guidance Dir 2010/32/EU
This document was drafted in 2012 by the European Biosafety Network (EBN) and colleagues of UNISON.
More information on the EBN sent to the EPSU Secretariat and links to their website and other documents issues can be found in the file below.

PDF - 120.4 ko info EBN

World Health Organisation (WHO)
WHO – Policy Checklist for Bloodborne Exposure Control


Prévention des Blessures Par Objets Tranchants (CSC SP)
PDF - 989.3 ko Guidance – Belgium : Prevention from Sharps Injuries” / CSC SP – in FR

a) Appendix A : Draft Safety and Health at Work Laws 1996-2011 The Safety and Health at Work : Framework Agreement on the prevention of injuries caused by sharp objects in the hospital sector and the broader health care sector : Regulations 2012
Παράρτημα Α : ΠΡΟΣΧΕΔΙΟ : Οι περί Ασφάλειας και Υγείας στην Εργασία Νόμοι του 1996 έως 2011 : Οι περί Ασφάλειας και Υγείας στην Εργασία (Συμφωνία – Πλαίσιο σχετικά με την πρόληψη των τραυματισμών που προκαλούνται από αιχμηρά αντικείμενα στον νοσοκομειακό τομέα και ευρύτερα στον τομέα παροχής φροντίδας υγείας) : Κανονισμοί του 2012
PDF - 259.2 koCY – Regulation Transposing FA

b) Ministy of Health : Central Committee : Hospital Infections : Instructions for management of contaminated sharps
PDF - 367.9 ko MoH – Instructions Management Contaminated Sharps

c) General Hospital Nicosia Office : Hospital Infection Control : Guidelines for the management of waste
PDF - 140.5 ko General Hospital Nicosia Hospital Control Guidelines Waste Management

Arbejdsmiljoeweb : Stikboksen – et ressourcested om stikskader på sygehuse – in DK

a) Irmeli Vuoriliuto : Do not let a needlestick get you by surprise : Accident Hazard – Tehy Study on Needlesticks and Injuries that occured due to sharps injuries – in EN
PDF - 2.1 Mo Guidance : Finland : Tehy Study Prevention Needlestick Injuries – in EN

b) Information Leaflet Tehy

PDF - 113.1 ko TEHY leaflet – FIN

PDF - 122.4 ko TEHY leaflet – SV

PDF - 127.6 ko TEHY leaflet – EN

a) Modellprojekt “STOP Nadelstich – Sicherheit durch Training + Organisation + Produktauswahl”
b) Webseite UK NRW/bgw “Sicheres Krankenhaus”
c) Case Study (EU-OSHA) from University Hosptial Heidelberg : Needlestick — how to prevent needlestick injuries effectively ?

Prevention of blood- and bodily fluid-borne viral diseases during health care
PDF - 235.6 koGuidance : Hungary : National Center for Epidemiology Guidance – in HU

N.B. : The guidance was issued in 2003 by the National Center for Epidemiology.
Summary information on the main contents : The guide addresses themes like vaccination, post-exposure prophylaxis, prevention, assessing the probability of transmission, disinfection, waste treatment, prohibiting recapping, etc. 10 years ago, safety devices were very rare so there is not too much information on them.

a) Azienda Ospedaliera “Maggiore Della Carità”, Novara : Disposizioni in merito alle contaminazioni con materiale biologico a seguito di infortunio
PDF - 129 ko Guidance : Italy : Guidance Hospital Novara – in IT

b) Azienda Ospedaliera di Rilievo Nazionale e di Alta Specializzazione (ARNAS) Garibaldi Catania : Servizio Prevenzione et Protezione : Procedure da adottare nella manipolazione di strumenti acuminati e/o taglienti
PDF - 158.7 ko Guidance : Italy : Guidance Hospital Catania – in IT

The Netherlands
a) Werkgroup Infectiepreventie : Ziekenhuisen : Accidenteel Bloedcontact (October 2012) – in NL
PDF - 180.7 ko Guidance : The Netherlands : Report WG Prevention Sharps Injuries – in NL

b) Amendments in Dutch Legislation in view of Implementation of Directive 2010/32/EU (August 2011) – in NL
PDF - 88.6 ko Guidance : The Netherlands : Amendments Dutch Legislation Implementation Directive 2010/32/EU – in NL

a) FSP UGT : Manual de Uso
PDF - 1.3 Mo FSP UGT Manual de Uso

b) Poster 1 “No Se Declaran Los Acidentes – Enfermera”
PDF - 361.2 ko FSP UGT Poster 1 “No se declaran los acidentes” – Enfermera

c) Poster 2 “No Se Declaran Los Acidentes – Enfermero”
PDF - 275.9 ko FSP UGT Poster 2 “No se declaran los acidentes” – Enfermero

e) Poster 3 “No Dejes Que Juegen Con Tu Salud”
PDF - 172.6 ko FSP UGT Poster 3 “No Dejes Que Juegen Con Tu Salud”

a) Swedish Legislation (2005) : Arbeitsmijöverkets Författningssamling (AFS 2005:1) : Mikrobiologiska Arbeitsmijlörisker – Smitta, Toxinpåverkan, Överkänslighet (2005) – in SV
PDF - 411.8 ko Guidance : Sweden Legislation 2005 / Arbeitsmijöverkets Författningssamling (AFS 2012:7) – in SV

b) Swedish Legislation (2012) : Arbeitsmijöverkets Författningssamling (AFS 2012:7) : Mikrobiologiska Arbeitsmijlörisker – Smitta, Toxinpåverkan, Överkänslighet. Arbeitsmijöverkets Föreskrifter om Ändring i Arbeitsmijöverkets Föreskrifter (AFS 2005:1) om Mikrobiologiska Arbeitsmijlörisker – Smitta, Toxinpåverkan, Överkänslighet (2012) – in SV
PDF - 1.7 Mo Guidance : Sweden Legislation 2012 / Arbeitsmijöverkets Författningssamling (AFS 2012:7) – in SV

c) Description & Summary Project Prevention from Needlestick Injuries : Insatser för förebyggande av skador och smitta pga. vassa instrument, bl.a. stick- och skärskador inom hälso- och sjukvården (in SV)
PDF - 251.2 ko Guidance – Sweden : Project “Reduction of Sharps Injuries” – in SV

d) Study on the prevention from injuries with sharps injuries (in SV)

I) Summary in EN
PDF - 103.1 ko Summary Information IVN Study Sharps Injuries – EN

II) Detailed information in SV
Stick- och skärskador inom hälso- och sjukvården – Förebyggande insatser för skador och smitta pga. vassa instrument

United Kingdom
a) Joint Social Partners’ Guidance
PDF - 497.7 ko Guidance : United Kingdom : Joint Social Partners’ Guidance “Needlestick Injury” – in EN

b) NHS Employers / Partnership for Occupational Safety and Health in Healthcare (POSHH) & Safer Needles Network : Advise on the Prevention from Sharps Injuries
PDF - 521.4 ko Guidance : United Kingdom : NHS / POSHH : Advise Prevention Sharps Injuries – in EN

c) Royal College of Nursing (RCN) : Sharps Safety : RCN Guidance to support implementation of the EU Directive 2010/32/EU on the prevention of sharps injuries in the health care sector]
PDF - 843.9 ko Guidance : United Kingdom : RCN : Sharps Safety – in EN

d) UNISON : Needlestick injuries. A guide for Local Government safety representatives


EC/DG EMPL film “From needlesticks to sharps – The added value” on the making of directive 2010/32/EU on the prevention of sharps injuries

During summer 2011 DG EMPL produced a video on the elaboration of the Framework Agreement on prevention from sharp injuries in the hospital and healthcare sector concluded by HOSPEEM and EPSU on 17 July 2009.

Based on the procedures stipulated in Art. 154 and 155 2 of the TFEU this autonomous agreement of the European sectoral social partners in the hospital sector on 10 May 2010 became Directive 2010/32/EU.

The video “From needlesticks to sharps – The added value” i.a. contains interviews with Carola Fischbach-Pyttel, General Secretary of EPSU, Godfrey Perera, Secretary General of HOSPEEM, François Ziegler, DG EMPL, Steven Hughes, MEP, and Ana Salegui, a Spanish nurse injured in 1991 and later in Spain becoming a spokesperson for other health workers suffering from a sharps injury.
It has been issued in 2011 in a version with English subtitles. As of February 2012 the film has also become available in all offical EU languages.

PSI Film “Sharp Sense – Promoting the safety of health care workers”

This project has received funding from the European Commission

Report Final Conference Barcelona 20 June 2013

Brussels, 26 June 2013/18 September 2013

Joint EPSU-HOSPEEM Project “Promotion and support of the implementation of Directive 2010/32/EU on the prevention of sharps injuries in the hospital and health care sector”

Final Conference – Barcelona, 20 June 2013

The final conference with about 95 participants from 24 out of 28 EU Member States (including Croatia to adhere to the EU as of 1 July 2013) took place on 20 June 2013 in Barcelona. It was hosted by EPSU affiliate Federación de Servicios Públicos Unión General de Trabajadores (FSP UGT) and organised by EPSU and HOSPEEM.

Please read the Joint HOSPEEM-EPSU Press Release.
PDF - 304.4 ko Joint Press Release

DRAFT programme (as of 24 May 2013) – in EN only

PDF - 365.6 ko Final Conference Barcelona DRAFT Programme (as of 24 May 2013)
N.B. : Event with simultaneous interpretation from and into the following five languages : English, French, German, Italian and Spanish

Please have a look into the final project report (comprising information on the three regional seminars, the final conference and the various EU countries covered, drafted by ICF GHK (Dr. Tina Weber)

Final Report Project + Final Conference – EN
Final Report Project + Final Conference – FR
Final Report Project + Final Conference – ES
Final Report Project + Final Conference – PL
Final Report Project + Final Conference – DE

Please have a look at photos taken at the event.


We have uploaded below the slide sets used by the speakers for their presentations (in the original language and when this was not in English also translated into EN).

Implementation of Directive 2010/32/EU on prevention of sharps injuries in the hospital and health care sector :
Presentation to Project Closing Conference 20th June 2013, Barcelona (Dr. Tina Weber, ICF GHK)
PDF - 918.7 ko Presentation Weber

Nadelstichverordnung : Umsetzung und praktische Erfahrungen / Needlestick directive : Implementation and practical experience
Renate Waclawiczek, Head of the Department for Occupational Medicine, Salzburg Regional Hospitals (SALK), Salzburg
PDF - 204 ko Presentation Austria (Renate Waclawiczek) – DE
PDF - 187.6 ko Presentation Austria (Renate Waclawiczek) – EN

Mise en application de la directive 2010/32/UE “Prévention des blessures par objets tranchants dans le secteur hospitalier et sanitaire” en Bulgarie / Implementation of Directive 2010/32/EU on the prevention of sharps injuries in the hospital and healthcare sector in Bulgaria
Slava Zlatanova, Vice-President, Federation of Trade Unions-Health Services – CITUB, Sofia
PDF - 470.6 ko Presentation Bulgaria (Slava Zlatanova) – EN

PDF - 472.5 ko Presentation Bulgaria (Slava Zlatanova) – FR

Richtlinie 2010/32/EU zur Vermeidung von Verletzungen mit spitzen und scharfen Gegenständen : Prozeß der Umsetzung in Deutschland / Directive 2010/32/EU on the prevention of sharps injuries in the hospital and health care sector : Process of transposition of directive in Germany & Die Rolle von ver.di bei der Implementierung der EU Richtlinie 2010/32/EU in Deutschland / The role of ver.di in implementing -EU Directive 2010/32/EU in Germany
Sabine Niemeyer, Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS), Bonn & Herbert Beck, ver.di, Head of Staff Council/Employee Committee of the University Clinic Heidelberg, Heidelberg
PDF - 157 ko Presentation Germany Part 1 (Sabine Niemeyer) – EN

PDF - 158.3 ko Presentation Germany Part 1 (Sabine Niemeyer) – DE

PDF - 596.9 ko Presentation Germany Part 2 (Herbert Beck) – EN

PDF - 588 ko Presentation Germany Part 2 (Herbert Beck) – DE

Implementation of Good Practice in a Dublin Hospital
Dr. Blanaid Hayes, Consultant Occupational Physician, Beaumont Hospital, Dublin
PDF - 926.2 ko Presentation Ireland (Blanaid Hayes) – EN

The Netherlands
Effect of Directive 2010/32/EC, its impact at workplace level. How does it decrease the number of NSI’s in Dutch hospitals ?
Dr. Gerard Frijstein, Occupational Physician, Academic Medical Centre University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam

PDF - 637.3 ko Presentation The Netherlands (Gerard Frijstein) – EN

Presentation on situation in Norway
Bjørn Henriksen, Special Advisor, Employers’ Association SPEKTER
PDF - 160 ko Presentation Norway (Björn Henriksen) – EN

The use of guidance developed by FSP UGT when informing and training health workers and their representatives
Pilar Navarro Barrios, Head of Sector “Public Health Care”, FSP UGT
N.B. : No slide set available, oral presentation delivered by Pilar Navarro Barrios, FSP UGT. You can have a look to the user manual elaborated on page “Guidance (Guidelines, Handbooks, Tool Kits, Films)”

A strategy and a toolkit to reduce sharp injuries in health care and medical services
Prof. Dr. Ann-Beth Antonsson (with contributions from Lisa Schmidt and Gabriella Östlund), Swedish Environmental Research Institute, Stockholm
PDF - 295.7 ko Presentation Sweden (Ann-Beth Antonsson) – EN

United Kingdom
Good Practice : guidance, handbooks and toolkits. The UK Partnership Guidelines – from theory to practice
Kim Sunley, Royal College of Nursing (RCN), London, & Dr. Ann Stansfield, Peterborough City Hospital / NHS Foundation Trust, Peterborough
PDF - 1 Mo Presentation United Kingdom (Kim Sunley & Ann Stansfield) – EN

Prevention of injuries with medical sharps :
Experiences and expectations from the perspective of nurses and doctors. The role of occupational safety and health (OSH) strategies, policies and measures
Dr. Paulo Cristiano do Nascimento Simões, General Surgery Consultant Hospital Santa Cruz-CHLO, Lisbon / Sindicato Independente dos Medicos (SIM), Portuguese member of European Federation Of Salaried Doctors (FEMS))

PDF - 1.5 Mo Presentation do Nascimento Simões (FEMS)

The file below contains a short presentation of HOSPEEM and EPSU as well as a summary of the activities and outcomes of the sectoral social dialogue committee in the hospital/health care sector in 2012.
PDF - 341.8 ko Presentation HOSPEEM & EPSU + Activities & Outcomes 2012 SSDC HS

This project has received funding from the European Commission

Report 3rd Regional Seminar Vienna 16 April 2013

Brussels, 25 April 2013

Joint EPSU-HOSPEEM Project “Promotion and support of the implementation of Directive 2010/32/EU on the prevention of sharps injuries in the hospital and health care sector”

Regional Seminar 3 – Vienna, 16 April 2013

The third regional seminar with nearly 110 participants from 8 EU Member States (Austria, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia) as well as from Belarus, Croatia, Kosovo, Moldova and Russia took place on 16 April 2013 in Vienna. It was hosted by the Vienna Hospital Association representing the Austrian hospital employers and organised by HOSPEEM and EPSU.

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Wilhelm Marhold, Hospital Association Austria

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Christian Meidlinger, Secretary General, GdG-KMSfB, Austria

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Ulrike Neuhauser, Hospital Association, Austria

DRAFT agenda

a) EN (as of 10 April 2013)
PDF - 218.3 ko DRAFT agenda (as of 10 April 2013) – EN

b) DE (as of 10 April 2013)
PDF - 192 ko DRAFT agenda (as of 10 April 2013) – DE

Please read the report of the regional seminar, drafted by ICF GHK (Dr. Tina Weber) – in EN, FR and DE.

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Karl Preterebner, Federal Secretary “GdG Fachgruppenvereinigung für Gesundheitsberufe”, GdG-KMSfB, Austria, and Tina Weber, ICF-GHK (project consultant)

a) in EN
PDF - 342.6 ko Report Regional Seminar 3 Vienna – EN

b) in FR
PDF - 415.3 ko Report Regional Seminar 3 Vienna – FR

c) in DE
PDF - 372.6 ko Report Regional Seminar 3 Vienna – DE
N.B. : It is planned to translate the report into RU and other languages, too, if there is sufficient money in the project budget left.

We have uploaded below the slide sets in the orginal languages used by the speakers for their presentations and translated into EN.

In addition to the contributions documented below, the following colleagues made a oral presentation : Brankic Grguric (Croatia), Lajqi Jahir (Kosovo) and Zdzislaw Bujas (Poland).

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Brigitte Strahwald, Cognomedic GmbH, Germany and Herbert Beck, Ver.di, University Clinic Heidelberg, Germany

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Grguric Brankic, Croatian Trade Union of Nurses and Medical Technicians and Jahir Lajqi, Trade Union Health Federation of Kosovo

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Bujas Zdzislaw, Trade Unions Forum (FZZ), Poland


Implementation of Directive 2010/32/EU on prevention of sharps injuries in the hospital and health care sector
Provisional results of EPSU-HOSPEEM Survey on the state of the art of the use and implementation of Directive 2010/32/EU and the role of the social partners in the transposition of EU-legislation into national rules (Dr. Tina Weber, ICF GHK)
PDF - 693.5 ko Presentation Weber

Nadelstichverordnung : Umsetzung und praktische Erfahrungen
Renate Waclawiczek, Head of the Department for Occupational Medicine, Salzburg Regional Hospitals (SALK), Salzburg
PDF - 582.3 ko Presentation Austria (Renate Waclawiczek) – EN

PDF - 545.6 ko Presentation Austria (Renate Waclawiczek) – DE

National practice in the Republic of Belara in preventing the infectino of healthcare workers with blood-borne pathogens in the context of European Council Directive 2010/32/EU
Sviatlana Lukashyk, Trade Union of Professional Health Workers of Belarus, Minsk
PDF - 313.6 ko Presentation Belarus (Sviatlana Lukashyk) – EN

PDF - 498.9 ko Presentation Belarus (Sviatlana Lukashyk) – RU

JPEG - 48.8 ko

Sviatlana Lukashyk, Belarusian Trade Union of Healthcare Workers, Belarus

Labour Law and relevant policy processes related to the implementation of Directive 2010/32/EU in Bulgaria
Slava Zlatanova, Federation of Trade Unions – Health Services, (FTU-HS/CITUB), Sofia
PDF - 826.9 ko Presentation Bulgaria (Slava Zlatanova) – EN

PDF - 1 Mo Presentation Bulgaria (Slava Zlatanova) – RU

Czech Republic
Praxe v České Republice
Ivana Štěpánková & Zbyněk Moravec, Trade Union of the Health Service and Social Care (OSZSP ČR), Prague
PDF - 980.5 ko Presentation Czech Republic (Ivana Štěpánková & Zbyněk Moravec) – EN

PDF - 1.5 Mo Presentation Czech Republic (Ivana Štěpánková & Zbyněk Moravec) – CZ

JPEG - 43.2 ko

Ivana Štěpánková, Trade Union of the Health Service and Social Care of the Czech Republic (OSZSP ČR), Czech Republic

Umsetzung in Deutschland / Das Modellproject “STOP-Nadelstich” : “Sicherheit durch Training, Organisation und Produktauswahl” / Die Rolle von ver.di bei der Implementierungder EU Richtlinie 2010/32/EU in Deutschland
Sabine Niemeyer, German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS), Bonn / Brigitte Strahwald, cognomedic GmbH, Erlangen / Herbert Beck, ver.di, University Clinic Heidelberg, Heidelberg
PDF - 151.7 ko Presentation Germany (Part 1 : Sabine Niemeyer) – EN

PDF - 533.8 ko Presentation Germany (Part 3 : Herbert Beck) – EN

PDF - 168.3 ko Presentation Germany (Part 1 : Sabine Niemeyer) – DE

PDF - 2.5 Mo Presentation Germany (Part 2 : Brigitte Strahwald) – DE

PDF - 580.9 ko Presentation Germany (Part 3 : Herbert Beck) – DE

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Alkema Tjitte, General Secretary, HOSPEEM

You’ll find below a the file a short presentation of HOSPEEM and EPSU including a summary of the activities and outcomes of the sectoral social dialogue committee in the hospital and health care sector in 2012.

PDF - 341.8 ko Presentation HOSPEEM & EPSU + Activities & Outcomes 2012 SSDC HS

This project has received funding from the European Commission

Report 2nd Regional Seminar Rome 7 March 2013

Brussels, 10 March 2013

Joint EPSU-HOSPEEM Project “Promotion and support of the implementation of Directive 2010/32/EU on the prevention of sharps injuries in the hospital and health care sector”

Regional Seminar 2 – Rome, 7 March 2013

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Elvira Gentile (ARAN, Director General Collective Bargaining), Godfrey Perera (HOSPEEM, Chief Executive), Mathias Maucher (EPSU, Policy Officer “Health and Social Services”), Marco Lo Verso (FP-CGIL, Responsible “Health Care”) [from left to right] during the opening plenary session

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Gabriela De Carli (National Institute for Infectious Diseases L. Spallanzani, Rome), Tina Weber (ICF GHK, Project Consultant)

The second regional seminar with about 80 participants from 8 European countries (Belgium, Cyprus, France, Italy, Malta, Norway, Spain and the United Kingdom) invited to attend the event took place on 7 March 2013 in Rome. It was hosted by Italian Agency for Collective Bargaining, ARAN (Rappresentanza Negoziale delle Pubbliche Amministrazioni) representing the Italian hospital employers and organised by HOSPEEM and EPSU.

DRAFT agenda (as of 27 February 2013) – in EN only

PDF - 528.8 ko Draft Agenda – SHARPS – Rome

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Tina Weber (ICF GHK, Project Consultant), Cliff Williams (UNISON), Maryvonne Nicolle (CFDT Santé-Sociaux, Secretary National Federation), Luis Mazón Cuadrado (University Hospital of Fuenlabrada, Madrid)

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Guy Crijns (CSC Services Publics), Tina Weber (ICF GHK, Project Consultant), Mathias Maucher (EPSU, Policy Officer “Health and Social Services”), Tjitte Alkema (HOSPEEM, Secretary General)

Read the report of the regional seminar, drafted by ICF GHK (Dr. Tina Weber) – in EN, FR and DE.

a) in EN
PDF - 338.4 ko Report Regional Seminar 2 Rome – EN

b) in FR
PDF - 342.9 ko Report Regional Seminar 2 Rome – FR

c) in DE
PDF - 358.2 ko Report Regional Seminar 2 Rome – DE
We have uploaded below the slide sets (in EN, except for France for which the slide set is in FR) to accompany the presentations given at the seminar.

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Tina Weber (ICF GHK, Project Consultant), Mathias Maucher (EPSU, Policy Officer “Health and Social Services”), Tjitte Alkema (HOSPEEM, Secretary General)

JPEG - 109.7 ko

Participants at the workshop


Implementation of Directive 2010/32/EU on prevention of sharps injuries in the hospital and health care sector :
Provisional results of EPSU-HOSPEEM Survey on the state of the art of the use and implementation of Directive 2010/32/EU and the role of the social partners in the transposition of EU-legislation into national rules (Dr. Tina Weber, ICF GHK)
PDF - 685.9 ko Presentation Weber Rome – EN

Mise en oeuvre de la Directive 201/32/EU en France
Presentation M. Nicolle – FR
PDF - 1.3 Mo Presentation M. Nicolle – EN
Maryvonne Nicolle, CFDT Santé Sociaux, Paris

Needle and Sharps Injuries Prevention : Building the wall : Implementing the Directive 2010/32/EU in Italy
PDF - 3.6 Mo Presentation De Carli – EN
Prof. Gabriella De Carli, Studio Italiano Rischio Occupazionale da HIV (SIROH), National Institute for Infectious Diseases L. Spallanzani, Rome

Implementation of Directive 2010/32/EU in Norway
PDF - 479.2 ko Presentation Roald – EN
Marie Nora Roald, Norwegian Institute of Biomedical Science (NITO BFI), Oslo

Sharps Risk Assessment. Our experience. Why we use process management ?
PDF - 2 Mo Presentation Mazón Cuadrado – EN
Dr. Luis Mazón Cuadrado, Hospital Universitario de Fuenlabrada, Madrid

United Kingdom
Implementation of Directive 2010/32/EU-The Prevention of Sharps Injuries in the Hospital and Health Care Sector : Good Practice and Transposition in the UK
PDF - 746.6 ko Presentation Williams – EN
Cliff Williams, Assistant General Secretary, UNISON, London/Newcastle

You’ll find below a the file a short presentation of HOSPEEM and EPSUincluding a summary of the activities and outcomes of the sectoral social dialogue committee in the hospital and health care sector in 2012.
PDF - 341.8 ko Presentation HOSPEEM & EPSU + Activities & Outcomes 2012 SSDC HS

This project has received funding from the European Commission