Social Partners’ Conference on Continuing Professional Development
On 19 and 20 june 2017 the first conference of the HOSPEEM-EPSU project “Promoting effective recruitment and retention policies for health workers in the EU by ensuring access to CPD and healthy and safe workplaces supportive of patient safety and quality care” (2017-2018) took place in Amsterdam (co-organised by NVZ and supported by HOSPEEM).
This conference entitled "Working together, learning together - Switching to the learning mode" contributed to raise awareness on the importance of continuing professional development and on the key role played by social partners in this field, building on the HOSPEEM-EPSU Joint Declaration on Continuing Professional Development and Life-Long Learning for All Health Workers in the EU adopted in November 2016.
Media release, agenda and report
Media release of HOSPEEM and EPSU
Agenda of the conference
Final report
Welcome by Tjitte Alkema (NVZ, The Netherlands/Secretary General of HOSPEEM)
Introduction by Mr. Bas van den Dungen (Director General VWS, Ministry of Health, The Netherlands)
Video address from Commissioner for Health and Food Safety Vytenis Andriukaitis (DG SANTE)
Working and learning in the service Managing continuing professional development, Prof. Janet Grant (CenMEDIC, UK)
Heidelberg Expertise for a continuing professional advancement,Herbert Beck (ver.di, Germany) and Anja König (University Hospital Heidelberg, Germany)
A nurse is a nurse is a nurse? Skills level differentiation in the Netherlands, Prof. Hester Vermeulen (Radboud University Medical Center, The Netherlands) and Dewi Stalpers (NVZ, The Netherlands)
CPD for support staff: a new career opportunity in nursing, Helga Pile (UNISON, UK) and Sam Donohue (Health Education England, UK)
Introducing the contribution of patients and/or social care users in the training process, Dr. Angela Towle (University of British Columbia, Canada) and Alice Casagrande (FEHAP, France)
DG SANTE study “Mapping CPD and LLL for health professionals in the EU”, Balazs Lengyel (DG SANTE, European Commission)
Session 1: Different angles to effective CPD
Definition of CPD priorities and negotiations of professional branches on CPD activities/programmes in the French hospital sector, CFDT video and intervention of Cyrille Duch (CFDT Santé Services Sociaux, France)
Competence development of an ageing workforce in German hospitals, Dr. Sebastian Merkel (IAT, Gelsenkirchen, Germany)
How to cooperate between trade unions, employers and education providers in setting up effective CPD in Sweden? Margaretha Johansson (Kommunal, Sweden) and Zenita Cider (CEO of health and care services college, Sweden)
Session 2: Inter-professional cooperation and skills development
The BRIDGE model – A competency development programme designed to enhance interprofessional collaboration, shared knowledge and patient and citizen involvement across sectors. Jette Steenberg Holtzman and Winnie Lund (Center for human resources, Capital Region of Denmark)
How does CPD support multi-professional team-based care? An example from Finland, Juhapetteri Jääskeläinen (Deputy Nurse Manager, Helsinki University, Central Hospital HUCH, Helsinki Burn Centre, Finland)
Session 3:Funding of CPD
How is, or should, CPD be financed? An example from the Netherlands,Niels Oerlemans (NVZ, The Netherlands)
Competentia – Roles and activities of a paritarian organisation to promote and support CPD for care workers, François-Xavier Lefebvre (Competentia, Belgium)
Session 4:Innovative work-place learning
Crew Resource Management: a Dutch example of building health care teams focusing on effective communication and leadership, Erica Overeem (Gelre Hospital, The Netherlands)
Good practice: Short video instructions at the moment of need, Jaco van der Worp (Groene Hart Hospital, Gouda, The Netherlands)
Learn to escape!, Cuun de Jong and Priscilla Verwoert (Spaarne guesthouse, The Netherlands)
The 'Roadmap': A Dutch example of organising support for Continuous Professional Development that fits within the ambitions of the organisation and its employees,Harm Landman and Hannah Wahab (Noordwest Ziekenhuisgroep/North West Hospital Group, Alkmaar, The Netherlands)
Closing panel/Wrap up session moderated by Nico Knibbe
Interviews with Dutch nurses by NVZ
Interview Linda Koolen
Interview Charlotte Schoenmaker
Interview Joost Sijtsma
Interview Maaike Stout
Abstracts,biographies and graphic recording
Abstracts of presentations
Biographies of presenters
Graphic recording
Photo Gallery
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