Brussels, 25 April 2013
Joint EPSU-HOSPEEM Project “Promotion and support of the implementation of Directive 2010/32/EU on the prevention of sharps injuries in the hospital and health care sector”
Regional Seminar 3 – Vienna, 16 April 2013
The third regional seminar with nearly 110 participants from 8 EU Member States (Austria, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia) as well as from Belarus, Croatia, Kosovo, Moldova and Russia took place on 16 April 2013 in Vienna. It was hosted by the Vienna Hospital Association representing the Austrian hospital employers and organised by HOSPEEM and EPSU.

Wilhelm Marhold, Hospital Association Austria

Christian Meidlinger, Secretary General, GdG-KMSfB, Austria

Ulrike Neuhauser, Hospital Association, Austria
DRAFT agenda
a) EN (as of 10 April 2013)
DRAFT agenda (as of 10 April 2013) – EN
b) DE (as of 10 April 2013)
DRAFT agenda (as of 10 April 2013) – DE
Please read the report of the regional seminar, drafted by ICF GHK (Dr. Tina Weber) – in EN, FR and DE.

Karl Preterebner, Federal Secretary “GdG Fachgruppenvereinigung für Gesundheitsberufe”, GdG-KMSfB, Austria, and Tina Weber, ICF-GHK (project consultant)
a) in EN
Report Regional Seminar 3 Vienna – EN
b) in FR
Report Regional Seminar 3 Vienna – FR
c) in DE
Report Regional Seminar 3 Vienna – DE
N.B. : It is planned to translate the report into RU and other languages, too, if there is sufficient money in the project budget left.
We have uploaded below the slide sets in the orginal languages used by the speakers for their presentations and translated into EN.
In addition to the contributions documented below, the following colleagues made a oral presentation : Brankic Grguric (Croatia), Lajqi Jahir (Kosovo) and Zdzislaw Bujas (Poland).

Brigitte Strahwald, Cognomedic GmbH, Germany and Herbert Beck, Ver.di, University Clinic Heidelberg, Germany

Grguric Brankic, Croatian Trade Union of Nurses and Medical Technicians and Jahir Lajqi, Trade Union Health Federation of Kosovo

Bujas Zdzislaw, Trade Unions Forum (FZZ), Poland
Implementation of Directive 2010/32/EU on prevention of sharps injuries in the hospital and health care sector
Provisional results of EPSU-HOSPEEM Survey on the state of the art of the use and implementation of Directive 2010/32/EU and the role of the social partners in the transposition of EU-legislation into national rules (Dr. Tina Weber, ICF GHK)
Presentation Weber
Nadelstichverordnung : Umsetzung und praktische Erfahrungen
Renate Waclawiczek, Head of the Department for Occupational Medicine, Salzburg Regional Hospitals (SALK), Salzburg
Presentation Austria (Renate Waclawiczek) – EN
Presentation Austria (Renate Waclawiczek) – DE
National practice in the Republic of Belara in preventing the infectino of healthcare workers with blood-borne pathogens in the context of European Council Directive 2010/32/EU
Sviatlana Lukashyk, Trade Union of Professional Health Workers of Belarus, Minsk
Presentation Belarus (Sviatlana Lukashyk) – EN
Presentation Belarus (Sviatlana Lukashyk) – RU

Sviatlana Lukashyk, Belarusian Trade Union of Healthcare Workers, Belarus
Labour Law and relevant policy processes related to the implementation of Directive 2010/32/EU in Bulgaria
Slava Zlatanova, Federation of Trade Unions – Health Services, (FTU-HS/CITUB), Sofia
Presentation Bulgaria (Slava Zlatanova) – EN
Presentation Bulgaria (Slava Zlatanova) – RU
Czech Republic
Praxe v České Republice
Ivana Štěpánková & Zbyněk Moravec, Trade Union of the Health Service and Social Care (OSZSP ČR), Prague
Presentation Czech Republic (Ivana Štěpánková & Zbyněk Moravec) – EN
Presentation Czech Republic (Ivana Štěpánková & Zbyněk Moravec) – CZ

Ivana Štěpánková, Trade Union of the Health Service and Social Care of the Czech Republic (OSZSP ČR), Czech Republic
Umsetzung in Deutschland / Das Modellproject “STOP-Nadelstich” : “Sicherheit durch Training, Organisation und Produktauswahl” / Die Rolle von ver.di bei der Implementierungder EU Richtlinie 2010/32/EU in Deutschland
Sabine Niemeyer, German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS), Bonn / Brigitte Strahwald, cognomedic GmbH, Erlangen / Herbert Beck, ver.di, University Clinic Heidelberg, Heidelberg
Presentation Germany (Part 1 : Sabine Niemeyer) – EN
Presentation Germany (Part 3 : Herbert Beck) – EN
Presentation Germany (Part 1 : Sabine Niemeyer) – DE
Presentation Germany (Part 2 : Brigitte Strahwald) – DE
Presentation Germany (Part 3 : Herbert Beck) – DE


Alkema Tjitte, General Secretary, HOSPEEM
You’ll find below a the file a short presentation of HOSPEEM and EPSU including a summary of the activities and outcomes of the sectoral social dialogue committee in the hospital and health care sector in 2012.
Presentation HOSPEEM & EPSU + Activities & Outcomes 2012 SSDC HS
This project has received funding from the European Commission
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