HOSPEEM-EPSU report on the use and implementation of the Framework of Actions on Recruitment and Retention

During the Plenary meeting of the Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee for the Hospital Sector (SSDC HS) held on 10 December 2015 HOSPEEM and EPSU adopted a joint follow-up report on the use and implementation of their Framework of Actions on Recruitment and Retention (FoA R&R)signed on 17 December 2010.

This report gathers good practice examples for each of the 5 key thematic areas covered by the Framework of Actions on Recruitment and Retention, presents the main challenges faced by HOSPEEM members and EPSU affiliates with regard to recruitment and retention of health workers in their respective countries and focuses on social partner-based measures and activities. It also contains some conclusions and recommendations.

It has been elaborated in parallel to and in exchange with the researchers working on the DG SANTE Study “Recruitment and retention of the health workforce in Europe” published in July 2015.

Read here the HOSPEEM-EPSU Report on the use and implementation of the Framework of Actions on Recruitment and Retention : Dissemination of insights and good practices : Final version (EN)

High-level meeting with Commissioner Andriukaitis

On 11 January 2016, Tjitte Alkema, HOSPEEM Secretary General, and Jan Willem Goudriaan, EPSU General Secretary, met with Vytenis Andriukaitis, EU Commissioner for Health and Food Safety.

The purpose of this high-level meeting was to discuss the involvement and the role of European social partners in the hospital and healthcare sector in EU initiatives and to identify how HOSPEEM, EPSU and DG SANTE could best cooperate and support each other’s work.

The meeting provided Tjitte Alkema and Jan Willem Goudriaan the opportunity to present the main priorities on the agenda of HOSPEEM and EPSU and to promote their ongoing joint activities in the field on Recruitment and Retention, Continuous Professional Development and Life-Long-Learning and Occupational Safety and Health.

Issues related to health workforce planning, mobility of health professionals, cross-border ethical recruitment and retention, patient safety, investments in health systems, economic governance and capacity building were also addressed with the Commissioner.

Vytenis Andriukaitis underlined that these matters were core concerns for him and asserted that he was willing to deal with them, in cooperation with social partners and other Commissioners.The Commissioner expressed his deep interest and full support for the work carried out by HOSPEEM and EPSU, as well as his readiness to take part in it.

Vytenis Andriukaitis also encouraged Tjitte Alkema and Jan Willem Goudriaan to make the work and achievements of HOSPEEM and EPSU more visible and highlighted the need to draw the attention of society on these central issues.

During the meeting Tjitte Alkema raised the major problem faced by hospital and healthcare employers in the field of capacity building, namely the absence of independent employers’ organisations in some European countries. The Commissioner expressed his awareness of the issue and stressed the importance of a well-functioning social dialogue.

Vytenis Andriukaitis and the sectoral social partners HOSPEEM and EPSU agreed to meet on a regular basis in the future, to further exchange and strengthen cooperation.

To read the article written by EPSU on this meeting, click here


Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee for the Hospital and Healthcare Sector: Main activities and outcomes in 2014-2015

In this document you can find the highlights of the work of the HOSPEEM-EPSU Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee for the Hospital and Healthcare Sector.

In 2014-2015 the Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee for the Hospital and Healthcare Sector dealt with a range of topics, carried out project-related activities and agreed on several documents.

 Download the document:






PRESS RELEASE: Tjitte Alkema re-elected Secretary General of HOSPEEM


Tjitte Alkema was re-elected Secretary General of HOSPEEM for a three-year mandate period, starting as of 1 January 2016.

Mr. Alkema has been involved in HOSPEEM’s activities since 2008 as a member of the General Assembly on behalf of NVZ Dutch Association of Hospitals. In 2010 he was elected for the Vice Secretary General position.  Since January 2013 he has fulfilled the role of Secretary General.

At European level he is mainly responsible for leading the negotiations with the European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU) in the framework of the European Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee for the Hospital Sector and for representing HOSPEEM at high level meetings and towards the European institutions and other relevant stakeholders.

At national level Mr. Alkema works as Manager of the Department of Industrial Relations & Education at NVZ Dutch Association of Hospitals, Chairman of the Foundation of Hospital labour market activities (StAZ), and Chairman of the consultative body on collective bargaining in the Dutch Hospital sector on behalf of NVZ Dutch Association of Hospitals (ROZ).

He previously worked at the Erasmus University Rotterdam as Head of the Education Department of the Erasmus School of Economics.

 PDF - 304.4 ko Press Release

HOSPEEM Study Visit to Finland in November 2015

Following the social partners’ conference on approaches to the issue of psychosocial risks and stress at work organised in Helsinki on 10 November 2015, HOSPEEM visited its Finnish member’s organisation, the Commission for Local Authority Employers – CLAE (or Local Government Employers – KT Kuntatyönantajat), on 11 November.

A first meeting at CLAE provided the opportunity to discuss about their functioning and the activities they carry out and to exchange on their current priorities and the most prominent challenges in Finland, especially with regard to the healthcare system and occupational safety and health issues.

The afternoon was dedicated to a visit to the Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa (HUS), a non-profit joint authority owned by 24 municipalities and employing over 22,000 professionals. HOSPEEM had the opportunity to meet with the Human Resources Director of the Hospital District. It was very interesting to hear about the way HUS deals with occupational safety and health issues, in particular with work-related psycho-social risks and stress, and about human resources development and patient safety issues. These presentations where followed by a visit to the unit specialised in liver surgery.

HOSPEEM would like to thank Henrika Nybondas-Kangas, Johanna Karlström, Taija Hämäläinen and Eeva Nypelö, as well as the staff of the Helsinki University Hospital, for the warm welcome and the fruitful exchange.


OSH Project Media Release: Social partners’ conference on approaches to the issue of psycho-social risks and stress at work

Social partners’ conference on approaches to the issue of psycho-social risks and stress at work


On 10 November 2015, HOSPEEM and EPSU – with the support of the Finnish EPSU affiliates JHL, Superlitto and Tehy – organised a conference in Helsinki aimed at supporting a broad fact-finding on the main risk factors of psycho-social risks and stress at work in the hospital/healthcare sector, highlighting good practices to assess the risks and identifying instruments and measures that can help preventing, managing and/or reducing the risks. The live web streaming was followed by up to 250 people.

Alongside musculoskeletal disorders, psycho-social risks and stress are the most important health and safety hazards in the hospital/healthcare sector in Europe. Improvements would be beneficial in various regards as they would support effective recruitment and retention policies, reduce sickness absence and costs for employers and improve the health and safety of the workforce and thereby also the quality of service provided to patients in the hospital/healthcare sector.

Particular attention was given to the role and initiatives of social partners from local to national and European level in this regard. This was reflected in the presentations, many of which building on existing good practices and grassroots experience. Presentations from Finland, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden and the United Kingdom illustrated how preventive actions, risk assessment and good management of psycho-social risks and stress at work can contribute to improved workers’ health and safety, to better quality care for the patients, to more attractive retention conditions for the workforce in the hospital sector and to improved efficiency in the management of healthcare institutions by reducing the negative effects psycho-social risks and stress at work have on the individual worker and/or on the good functioning of institutions and services in the hospital/healthcare sector.

The event brought together about 85 participants from more than 20 European countries. This conference was the contribution of the hospital/healthcare sector social partners to the EU-OSHA 2014-2015 ”Healthy Workplaces Manage Stress” campaign, aiming at giving a sector-specific input into the campaign and relevant follow-up activities. Zinta Podniece, representing DG EMPL, Kirsi Sillanpää, Tehy, representing EPSU, and Johanna Karlström, CLAE, representing HOSPEEM, participated in the closing panel discussion where the emphasis was put on trade unions’ and employers’ priorities with regard to further work on PSRS@W, on the main take home messages and the possibility of making practical use of the presented findings on the level of hospitals/healthcare institutions.

The conference is a key step for the sectoral social partners in the hospital sector in identifying instruments and forms of work organisation supportive in achieving healthier and safer working conditions. EPSU’s and HOSPEEM’s work on the issue will continue in 2016. This will include the collection and dissemination of existing good practices. The insights from the event will be discussed and assessed with a view to reach joint conclusions on relevant action to be taken to help preventing and reducing psycho-social risks and stress at work for the health workforce. A report is to be published in 2016.

Helsinki/Brussels, 16 November 2015

 PDF - 304.4 ko Media Release


HOSPEEM: Emilie Sourdoire, Policy Officer, e.sourdoire@hospeem.eu, +3222292158

EPSU: Mathias Maucher, Policy Officer “Health and Social Services”, mmaucher@epsu.org, +3222501093

For more information on joint project click on the webpages of HOSPEEM or EPSU

This project has received funding from the European Commission

OSH Project: Social partners’ conference on approaches to the issue of psychosocial risks and stress at work

On 10 November 2015 the second conference of the joint HOSPEEM – EPSU project on occupational health and safety risks entitled “Social partners’ conference on approaches to the issue of psycho-social risks and stress at work” took take place in Helsinki (co-organised by JHL, Superlitto and Tehy and supported by EPSU).

The conference focused on the causes and impacts of psycho-social risks and stress at work, on how they can be best prevented and addressed and on how an effective risk assessment and management can be organised.

You can watch the recording of the Conference  on the following link:

You can read the media release of HOSPEEM and EPSU or download the PDF - 304.4 ko Media Release in pdf.

PDF - 304.4 ko Agenda of the Conference

Read the report of the Helsinki conference, drafted by Nico Knibbe (LOCOmotion)
PDF - 304.4 koReport of the  PSRS@W Conference-EN
PDF - 304.4 koReport of the  PSRS@W Conference-FR
PDF - 304.4 koReport of the  PSRS@W Conference-DE


From Paris to Helsinki
PDF - 304.4 ko Nico E Knibbe, Locomotion NL-EN

Session 1: “Setting the scene: Causes of psycho-social risks and stress at work (PSRS@W) in the hospital/health care sector”. 

PDF - 304.4 ko Managing stress and psychosocial risks at European workplaces, Julia Flintrop, EU-OSHA -EN

Session 2: “Risk assessment and risk management in the field of PSRS@W”
PDF - 304.4 koStress in Healthcare – Can we measure and prevent stress in healthcare?- Albert Nienhaus, Institute for Epidemiology and Occupational Health for Healthcare Workers (CVcare) -EN
PDF - 304.4 ko Challenges for healthcare Profession : work related stress, Peter J Kelly, Health and Safety Executive, (HSE)-EN

Session 3: “Better managing PSRS@W” 
PDF - 304.4 ko Applying workers’ health surveillance to manage PSRS@W, Dr. Sarah M. Ketelaar, Academic Medical Center Amsterdam -EN 
PDF - 304.4 ko Handling of harassment in Region Gävleborg, Anders Westlund, Malin Vadelius and Tor Andersson, Sweden -EN
PDF - 304.4 ko Risk assessment & primary prevention of psycho-social risks and stress in the context of the restructuration of an institution of the CAPIO Group,  Valerie d’Almeida,CFDT (Bayonne) and Catherine Allemand, Syndex -EN/FR

Session 4:” Better preventing PSRS@W”
PDF - 304.4 ko Working in partnership for an improved prevention of PSRS@W, James Tracey -NHS Trust and Kim Sunley, Royal College of Nursing- EN

Session 5:” How can workers cope with their job demands and stay engaged?”
PDF - 304.4 ko Well-being through work. How can workers cope with their job demands and stay engaged,  Saija Koskensalmi, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health- EN

PDF - 304.4 ko Abstracts of presentations

HOSPEEM Newsletter – Conference highlights
HOSPEEM Newsletter December 2015-Special Issue


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This project has received funding from the European Commission

Commission of Local Authority Employers – CLAE

The Commission for Local Authority Employers – CLAE (or Local Government Employers – LGE / KT Kuntatyönantajat) is the Finnish member of HOSPEEM. CLAE has been functioning since 1970, representing all Finnish local and joint municipal authorities.  Finland has 317 municipalities and 125 joint municipal authorities. These local authorities employ about 429 000 employees, a fifth of Finland’s employed labour force. More than 80% of all local government personnel work in the health care, social services and educational sectors.

CLAE (or LGE) is an interest organisation for local government employers representing all Finnish local and joint authorities. It negotiates and concludes collective agreements in the local government sector. CLAE has a key role in improving performance and the quality of working life. Municipal public health work is the foundation of the Finnish health system. Hospitals run by joint municipal authorities provide 95 per cent of all specialist medical care and the remaining 5 per cent is provided by the private sector. Read more.

EC study on Recruitment and Retention of Health Workforce in Europe

On 6 July, the European Commission published the final report of the study of DG SANTE on recruitment and retention of health workforce in Europe. HOSPEEM and EPSU provided a social partner-based input into the study. It identifies and analyses effective strategies for recruiting and retaining health professionals and aims to serve as a source of inspiration for the development of organisational strategies and human resources policies in Europe. Read the full study.