Regional Workshop 2: Southern Europe
The second Regional Workshop of the HOSPEEM–EPSU joint project “Strengthening Social Dialogue in the Hospital Sector in the East, South and Central Europe”, took place on 15 November 2019 in Rome, Italy. The workshop was organised by ARAN (HOSPEEM member, Italy) and co-organised by HOSPEEM.
The geographical focus of this second workshop is on Southern Europe, specifically targeted at Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, Portugal and Spain. The event aimed to gather EPSU affiliates and HOSPEEM members as well as representatives from trade unions and employers from the six targeted countries and from beyond as well as academia. HOSPEEM and EPSU members from other EU Member States were invited to participate to share their experiences.
Agenda and media release
Agenda (As of 04.11.2019)
Media release
Presentations (As of 20.11.2019)
Welcome, Antonio Bartolini (Agenzia per la Rappresentanza Negoziale delle Pubbliche Amministrazioni-ARAN)
Presentation of the project, Luca Scarpiello (European Federation of Public Service Unions-EPSU)
Introduction to the European Social Dialogue, Kristine Krivmane (European Commission)
Relevant activities of the Hospital Sector, Sara Fasoli (European Hospital and Healthcare Employers’ Association-HOSPEEM)
Survey findings for Italy, Portugal and Spain, Marta Kahancová (Central European Labour Studies Institute-CELSI)
Survey findings for Cyprus, Greece and Malta, Barbora Holubová (Central European Labour Studies Institute-CELSI)
Social dialogue and involvement of national social partners, Simone Mohrs (European Hospital and Healthcare Employers’ Association-HOSPEEM),
The Swedish social partners involvement in the European Semester, Sandra Bergendorff (Swedish Association of Local Authorities-SALAR) and Göran Zettergren (The Swedish Confederation of Professional Employees-TCO)
Report and fact sheets
Fact Sheet Cyprus EN CY
Fact Sheet Greece EN EL
Fact Sheet Italy EN IT
Fact Sheet Malta EN
Fact Sheet Portugal EN PT
Fact Sheet Spain EN ES
Regional Workshop report – Southern Europe
Photos and graphics
Photo Gallery
Graphics: View Gallery or download in PDF or JPEG
Workshop 1: Eastern Europe, Bucharest, Romania (14.06.2019)
Workshop 3: Central Europe, Zagreb, Croatia (20.04.2021)
Strengthening Social Dialogue project description (2019-2021)
European Sectoral Social Dialogue activities overview (2006-2019)
The event is organised with the support of ARAN in collaboration with FIASO and INMI.
EPSU has also published an article on this topic.
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This project has received financial support from the European Union
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