Social Partner’s Conference on Occupational Safety and Health (prevention and reduction of MSD and PSRS@W)
On 23 and 24 May 2018 the second conference of the HOSPEEM-EPSU project “Promoting effective recruitment and retention policies for health workers in the EU by ensuring access to CPD and healthy and safe workplaces supportive of patient safety and quality care” (2017-2018) took place in Vilnius (co-organised by LSADPS and supported by EPSU). The aim of this conference on Occupational Safety and Health was to pursue and expand the social
partners’ thematic focus on the prevention and reduction of MSD and PSRS@W.
Agenda, report & relevant documents:
Final agenda - in EN and LT (as of 16 May 2018)
Final report (as of Dec 2018)
Media Release - in EN and LT (as of 24 may 2018)
Media Toolkit
Save the Date (as of 20 February 2018)
Wednesday, 23 May 2018
Welcome note
Rita Zubkevičiūtė, Chief Labour Inspector - Occupational illnesses caused by ergonomic risk factors in diagnoses of Lithuanian healthcare workers - in EN and LT
Plenary 1: Psychosocial Risks and Stress at Work
Mag. Pharm Slava Zlatanova, Deputy Chairwoman (FTU-HC CITUB) and Krasimir Grudev, Elected Board Member (NUPH) - The impact of psychosocial risks at work on the quality of medical services in Bulgaria (the role of employers and trade unions)
Alice Casagrande, Head of the life-long training, innovation and voluntary work department (FEHAP) - Prevention of violence on health workers
Thursday, 24 May 2018
Dr. Vytenis Andriukaitis, Commissioner for Health & Food Safety (European Commission) - European Commission Perspectives on Occupational Safety and Health and Health Workforce Challenges
Plenary 2: Organisational Climate
Sebastian Starystach and Christina Streib (University of Heidelberg) - Risk assessment of psychosocial stress for nursing staff according to the provisions of the Occupational Health and Safety Act – an example of a comprehensive and participative approach in the University Clinic Heidelberg
Anouk ten Arve, Programme Manager and Marc Spoek, Manager (Stichting IZZ) - Approach to Organisational Climate: Talking to each other improves health and safety among health care employees +
Video links: About IZZ , IZZ Approach & IZZ Story
Dr. Sabine Gregersen, Head of Health Sciences - Measuring health-promoting leadership within the scope of the risk assessment
Session 1 - PSRS@W
Zoyia Antoniou, Secretary (PASYDY) - Intervention to enhance satisfaction of nurses in the work environment, to prevent burnout and to improve services provided to patients
Gunnar Sundqvist, Investigator (SALAR) and Margaretha Johansson, National Officer (Kommunal) - Suntarbetsliv
Kevin Charles, Chaplain & Staff Support Lead and Tracy Cunningham, Community Paramedic (East Midlands Ambulance Service NHS Trust) - Supporting staff mental health in East Midlands Ambulance Trust
Session 2 - MSD
Lars Andersen, Professor (National Research Institute for working environment – NFA) - Physical work environment among healthcare workers
Anna Kukka, Work Environment Specialist (TEHY) and Leena Tamminen-Peter, Independent Occupational Health Ergonomic and Economics Expert - SOTERGO and the ergonomic patient handling card
Session 3 - Organisational Climate
Merja Hyvärinen, Legal Adviser (SuPer) - Vuosaari homecare
Elize Hooftman, Manager FIER/Capacity Manager (Groene Hart Ziekenhuis) and Elles van der Neut, Team Leader FIER (Groene Hart Ziekenhuis) - Innovative flexible rostering; the right person, in the right place at the right time - in EN and NL
Konan Midy and Fabienne Tartaise, Centre Hospitalier Douarnenez, Bretagne (CFDT SSS) - Presentation of trade union work to prevent PSR in the context of “quality of work programmes” (in a public-sector hospital) - in EN and FR
Plenary 3 – Occupational Safety and Health
Anna-Mari Jaanu, Programme Manager (Kunteko) - Kunteko 2020 - Programme for improving working life in Finnish local and county government +
video link
Raimonda Eičinaitė-Lingienė, Head (Occupational Health Centre, Institute of Hygiene) - The Workplace of Medical Worker – An Appropriate Platform for Health Innovation and Collaboration - in EN and LT
Closing Panel
Dr. Malgorzata Milczarek, Project Manager (EU-OSHA) - EU-OSHA’s view on preventing psychosocial risks and MSDs at work
Conference in a nutshell
Commissioner Vytenis Andriukaitis, Health and Food Safety + Complete Speech
- Zoe Antoniou, PASYDY, Cyprus
- Maryvonne Nicolle, CFDT-Santé Services Sociaux, France [in FR]
- Brigitte Schero, Ver.di, Germany [in DE]
- Paul Bell, SIPTU, Ireland
- Dalia Juskeviciene, LSADPS, Lithuania
- Elise Merlijn, FNV Zorg en Weljzin, Netherlands
- Kim Sunley, RCN, UK and Alan Lofthouse, UNISON, UK
- Tjitte Alkema, NVZ, The Netherlands
- Tracy Cunningham, NHS, UK
- Krasimir Grudev, NUPH, Bulgaria
- Taija Hämäläinen, CLAE, Finland
- Jevgenijs Kalejs, LHA, Latvia
- Sabine Scheer, NVZ, The Netherlands
- Malene Vestergaard Sørensen, Danish Regions, Denmark
- Eva Weinreich-Jensen, HOPE, Denmark
Kunteko 2020 (Finland)
IZZ, The collectivity of people in health care : About IZZ , IZZ Approach & IZZ Story (The Netherlands)
The final report will be published in the upcoming months.
Photo Gallery
See the photos here
Sketch drawings
Download in pdf
Photos & drawings credits: Suus livecartoons.nl /HOSPEEM-EPSU, 2018
EPSU has also published an event page for the conference.
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