Report 2nd Regional Seminar Rome 7 March 2013
Brussels, 10 March 2013
Joint EPSU-HOSPEEM Project “Promotion and support of the implementation of Directive 2010/32/EU on the prevention of sharps injuries in the hospital and health care sector”
Regional Seminar 2 – Rome, 7 March 2013
Elvira Gentile (ARAN, Director General Collective Bargaining), Godfrey Perera (HOSPEEM, Chief Executive), Mathias Maucher (EPSU, Policy Officer “Health and Social Services”), Marco Lo Verso (FP-CGIL, Responsible “Health Care”) [from left to right] during the opening plenary session
Gabriela De Carli (National Institute for Infectious Diseases L. Spallanzani, Rome), Tina Weber (ICF GHK, Project Consultant)
The second regional seminar with about 80 participants from 8 European countries (Belgium, Cyprus, France, Italy, Malta, Norway, Spain and the United Kingdom) invited to attend the event took place on 7 March 2013 in Rome. It was hosted by Italian Agency for Collective Bargaining, ARAN (Rappresentanza Negoziale delle Pubbliche Amministrazioni) representing the Italian hospital employers and organised by HOSPEEM and EPSU.
DRAFT agenda (as of 27 February 2013) – in EN only
Tina Weber (ICF GHK, Project Consultant), Cliff Williams (UNISON), Maryvonne Nicolle (CFDT Santé-Sociaux, Secretary National Federation), Luis Mazón Cuadrado (University Hospital of Fuenlabrada, Madrid)
Guy Crijns (CSC Services Publics), Tina Weber (ICF GHK, Project Consultant), Mathias Maucher (EPSU, Policy Officer “Health and Social Services”), Tjitte Alkema (HOSPEEM, Secretary General)
Read the report of the regional seminar, drafted by ICF GHK (Dr. Tina Weber) – in EN, FR and DE.
a) in EN
Report Regional Seminar 2 Rome – EN
b) in FR
Report Regional Seminar 2 Rome – FR
c) in DE
Report Regional Seminar 2 Rome – DE
We have uploaded below the slide sets (in EN, except for France for which the slide set is in FR) to accompany the presentations given at the seminar.
Tina Weber (ICF GHK, Project Consultant), Mathias Maucher (EPSU, Policy Officer “Health and Social Services”), Tjitte Alkema (HOSPEEM, Secretary General)
Participants at the workshop
Implementation of Directive 2010/32/EU on prevention of sharps injuries in the hospital and health care sector :
Provisional results of EPSU-HOSPEEM Survey on the state of the art of the use and implementation of Directive 2010/32/EU and the role of the social partners in the transposition of EU-legislation into national rules (Dr. Tina Weber, ICF GHK)
Presentation Weber Rome – EN
Mise en oeuvre de la Directive 201/32/EU en France
Presentation M. Nicolle – FR
Presentation M. Nicolle – EN
Maryvonne Nicolle, CFDT Santé Sociaux, Paris
Needle and Sharps Injuries Prevention : Building the wall : Implementing the Directive 2010/32/EU in Italy
Presentation De Carli – EN
Prof. Gabriella De Carli, Studio Italiano Rischio Occupazionale da HIV (SIROH), National Institute for Infectious Diseases L. Spallanzani, Rome
Implementation of Directive 2010/32/EU in Norway
Presentation Roald – EN
Marie Nora Roald, Norwegian Institute of Biomedical Science (NITO BFI), Oslo
Sharps Risk Assessment. Our experience. Why we use process management ?
Presentation Mazón Cuadrado – EN
Dr. Luis Mazón Cuadrado, Hospital Universitario de Fuenlabrada, Madrid
United Kingdom
Implementation of Directive 2010/32/EU-The Prevention of Sharps Injuries in the Hospital and Health Care Sector : Good Practice and Transposition in the UK
Presentation Williams – EN
Cliff Williams, Assistant General Secretary, UNISON, London/Newcastle
You’ll find below a the file a short presentation of HOSPEEM and EPSUincluding a summary of the activities and outcomes of the sectoral social dialogue committee in the hospital and health care sector in 2012.
Presentation HOSPEEM & EPSU + Activities & Outcomes 2012 SSDC HS

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