Regional Workshop 1: Eastern Europe
The first Regional Workshop of the HOSPEEM–EPSU joint project “Strengthening Social Dialogue in the Hospital Sector in the East, South and Central Europe”, took place on 14 June 2019 in Bucharest, Romania. The workshop was organised by Sanitas (EPSU affiliate, Romania) and co-organised by EPSU.#EUSocDia
The geographical focus of this first workshop was on Eastern Europe, specifically targeted at Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland and Romania. The event gathered around 30 participants, EPSU and HOSPEEM members as well as representatives from trade unions and employers from the four targeted countries and from beyond as well as academia. HOSPEEM and EPSU members from other EU member states were invited to participate to share their experiences.
Media release, agenda and video
Media release
Video address by Marianne Thyssen, European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility (DG EMPL)
Presentations (As of 25th June 2019):
HOSPEEM-EPSU Joint project on strengthening social dialogue in the hospital sector, Simone Mohrs (European Hospital and Healthcare Employers’ Association-HOSPEEM)
Introduction to the European Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee for the Hospital Sector, Mathias Maucher (European Federation of Public Service Union-EPSU)
Discussion of draft fact sheets of Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Poland and priorities of participants, Marta Kahancová and Barbora Holubová (Central European Labour Studies Institute-CELSI)
The European Semester process, Mathias Maucher (European Federation of Public Service Union-EPSU)
Swedish good practice on the European Semester, Sandra Bergendorff (Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions-SALAR)
Discussion and exchange on challenges faced by social partners in the region (contributions from Sanitas in Romania, HOSPEEM, FTU-HS in Bulgaria with Slava Zlatanova’s presentation in EN and BG)
Report and fact sheets
Fact sheet Bulgaria EN BG
Fact sheet Hungary EN HU
Fact sheet Poland EN PL
Fact sheet Romania EN RO
Regional workshop report – Eastern Europe
Photos and graphics
Photo gallery
Graphics: View Gallery or download in PDF or JPEG
Workshop 2: Southern Europe, Rome, Italy (15.11.2019)
Workshop 3: Central Europe, Zagreb, Croatia (20.04.2021)
Strengthening Social Dialogue project description (2019-2021)
European Sectoral Social Dialogue activities overview (2006-2019)
EPSU has also published an article on this topic.
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This project has received financial support from the European Union
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