10th anniversary of the Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee for the Hospital Sector

HOSPEEM and EPSU celebrated the 10th anniversary of their Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee for the Hospital and Healthcare Sector on the occasion of their plenary meeting organised in Brussels on 2 December 2016.

The Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee for the Hospital and Healthcare Sector was set up in September 2006 at the joint request of the hospital sector social partners. The inaugural meeting of the Committee was held on 20 September 2006.

HOSPEEM and EPSU were honoured and delighted to host Mr. Xavier Prats Monné, Director General of DG SANTE, and Mr. Michel Servoz, Director General of DG EMPL, on the occasion of this celebration that was attended by more than 70 participants.

HOSPEEM and EPSU have established fruitful cooperation and close working relations with DG EMPL and DG SANTE over the years and appreciate their presence as an expression of interest and support for their work and activities.

This celebration provided the opportunity to stress the crucial role played by the hospital sector social partners and the importance of the hospital sector social dialogue.

This event also offered an excellent opportunity to highlight the major achievements of HOSPEEM and EPSU over the last decade as well as to exchange on future challenges and priorities.

Xavier Prats Monné underlined in his speech the positive changes taking place in the health sector, made possible thanks to the quality, skills and dedication of health professionals. Looking at the challenges for the next decade, he stated that none of them would be addressed without looking at the workforce and without a strengthened effort on recruitment and retention.

Michel Servoz stressed the good functioning and efficiency of the Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee for the Hospital and Healthcare Sector. He also emphasized the crucial dimension of this sector for the quality of life and focused on three major challenges faced by this sector, i.e. skills, job creation and innovation, on which social partners have a major role to play.

The Secretary Generals of EPSU and HOSPEEM also respectively delivered a speech to celebrate 10 years of successful European social dialogue in the hospital sector.

Jan-Willem Goudriaan, EPSU General Secretary, underlined the importance of the principle of autonomy of social partners and put the emphasis on the need to further build up and strengthen the capacities of national employers’ and trade union organisations.

In his speech, Tjitte Alkema, HOSPEEM Secretary General, paid tribute to the commitment and active involvement of HOSPEEM and EPSU members in the hospital social dialogue, saying that it had been, and would always be, fundamental in achieving great results.

HOSPEEM-EPSU joint declaration on CPD and LLL for all Health Workers in the EU

The EU hospital social partners HOSPEEM and EPSU adopted a HOSPEEM-EPSU joint declaration on Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and Life-Long-Learning (LLL) for all health workers in the EU in November 2016, after several months of work and negotiations.

It is addressed to all workers in the hospital and healthcare sector in an equal manner, irrespective of age, profession and employment contract.

The agreement emphasizes the major role social partners have to play in the field of CPD and LLL, in partnership with competent authorities and other relevant stakeholders, and on the respective responsibilities of employers and workers. In the joint declaration, HOSPEEM and EPSU stress that CPD and LLL initiatives should be considered as a long-term investment in current and future qualifications and competences of the health workforce and not as a cost factor.

The joint declaration aims at providing inspiration, guidance and support to social partners in their actions in the field of CPD and LLL in the different Member States and at encouraging investments in this field. It is structured along a statement of key principles that should guide activities undertaken in the field of CPD and LLL. The principles are general and can be used at all levels by all stakeholders.

The HOSPEEM-EPSU joint declaration will be enriched in 2017 with a separate document gathering existing good practice examples. This document will be elaborated in the context of the joint HOSPEEM-EPSU EU-funded project (VS/2017/0017) “Promoting effective recruitment and retention policies for health workers in the EU by ensuring access to CPD and healthy and safe workplaces supportive of patient safety and quality care”.

HOSPEEM and EPSU were invited to present their joint declaration on the occasion of the DG SANTE Expert Group “European Health Workforce” on 22 November 2016.

The joint declaration is now available in English, French, German, Spanish and Swedish.

PDF - 304.4 ko HOSPEEM-EPSU joint declaration on CPD and LLL in ENFRDESVES

EU-OSHA Campaign – Healthy Workplaces for All Ages

EU-OSHA Campaign – Healthy Workplaces for All Ages

HOSPEEM has become an official campaign partner of the EU-OSHA 2016-2017 campaign, Healthy Workplaces for All Ages. This Europe-wide campaign raises awareness of the importance of good occupational safety and health management throughout the working life and of tailoring work to individual abilities — whether at the start of a worker’s career or at its close. The Healthy Workplaces Campaign 2016-2017 aims to promote sustainable work and healthy ageing and the importance of prevention throughout the whole, to provide employers and workers with information and tools for managing OSH in the context of an ageing workforce; and to facilitate the exchange of information and good practice.

“Sustainable participation of all health professionals is the most direct contribution to dealing with potential workforce related issues. HOSPEEM therefore warmly supports the 2016-2017 EU-OSHA Campaign promoting Healthy workplaces for all ages, thereby identifying the need for continuing focus and priority on sustainable participation over the entire professional career, from internship until retirement. Together with its counterpart EPSU (the European Federation of Public Service Unions), HOSPEEM will continue to promote the creation and maintenance of the safest possible workplaces and to promote active participation in continuing professional development (CPD) and life-long learning (LLL) for all health professionals irrespective of age, profession or employment contract. A joint declaration on this topic that HOSPEEM and EPSU intend to agree on before the summer of 2016 will give a strong impulse to the promotion of CPD and LLL both at European and national level. I am convinced that these initiatives will lead to a more sustainable participation of health professionals of all ages” says Tjitte Alkema, Secretary General of the European Hospital and Healthcare Employers’ Association (HOSPEEM).

HOSPEEM will give visibility to the EU-OSHA campaign mainly through its website and its newsletter as well as by disseminating information on the campaign and raise awareness of the issue among its member organisations. HOSPEEM will support and contribute to the EU-OSHA campaign together with EPSU in the context of relevant activities of their Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee and in the framework of their upcoming joint project focusing on retention of health workforce and foreseeing a seminar dedicated to the campaign topic.

There are lots of ways to get involved in the Healthy Workplaces for all Ages campaign. Find out more information on the Healthy Workplaces for All Ages Campaign website. Publications, campaign materials and practical tools and guidance are available here.

HOSPEEM Study Visit to Italy in April 2016

HOSPEEM visited its Italian member organisation ARAN – Agenzia per la Rappresentanza Negoziale delle Pubbliche Amministrazioni – on 14 April 2016 in Rome.

A meeting at ARAN provided the opportunity to discuss about their functioning and activities and to get an insight into the system of public bargaining in Italy. This meeting also provided the opportunity to exchange about the impact of the economic crisis on the public administration and the most prominent challenges in Italy, such as the reform of the public administration, the reduction in public spending and the improvement of the efficiency of the public administration.

The afternoon was dedicated to a visit to the Agostino Gemelli Teaching Hospital, one of the largest teaching hospitals in Italy, with more than 1,500 beds and over 5,000 health professionals (of which 1,700 nurses), connected to the medical school of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart. On this occasion, HOSPEEM had the opportunity to visit the neonatal intensive care unit and the new clinical laboratory, using an automated system working 24 hours a day and receiving the tubes from all the departments of the hospital. It was also very interesting to hear about the model developed by the Gemelli Hospital to ensure continuity of care for fragile patients.

HOSPEEM would like to express its sincere thanks to Sergio Gasparrini, Marta Branca, Elvira Gentile, Gianfranco Rucco and Pierluigi Mastrogiuseppe, as well as to Maurizio Zega and the staff of the Agostino Gemelli Teaching Hospital for the warm welcome and the enriching and fruitful exchange.



HOSPEEM-EPSU report on the use and implementation of the Framework of Actions on Recruitment and Retention

During the Plenary meeting of the Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee for the Hospital Sector (SSDC HS) held on 10 December 2015 HOSPEEM and EPSU adopted a joint follow-up report on the use and implementation of their Framework of Actions on Recruitment and Retention (FoA R&R)signed on 17 December 2010.

This report gathers good practice examples for each of the 5 key thematic areas covered by the Framework of Actions on Recruitment and Retention, presents the main challenges faced by HOSPEEM members and EPSU affiliates with regard to recruitment and retention of health workers in their respective countries and focuses on social partner-based measures and activities. It also contains some conclusions and recommendations.

It has been elaborated in parallel to and in exchange with the researchers working on the DG SANTE Study “Recruitment and retention of the health workforce in Europe” published in July 2015.

Read here the HOSPEEM-EPSU Report on the use and implementation of the Framework of Actions on Recruitment and Retention : Dissemination of insights and good practices : Final version (EN)

Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee for the Hospital and Healthcare Sector: Main activities and outcomes in 2014-2015

In this document you can find the highlights of the work of the HOSPEEM-EPSU Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee for the Hospital and Healthcare Sector.

In 2014-2015 the Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee for the Hospital and Healthcare Sector dealt with a range of topics, carried out project-related activities and agreed on several documents.

 Download the document:






HOSPEEM Study Visit to Finland in November 2015

Following the social partners’ conference on approaches to the issue of psychosocial risks and stress at work organised in Helsinki on 10 November 2015, HOSPEEM visited its Finnish member’s organisation, the Commission for Local Authority Employers – CLAE (or Local Government Employers – KT Kuntatyönantajat), on 11 November.

A first meeting at CLAE provided the opportunity to discuss about their functioning and the activities they carry out and to exchange on their current priorities and the most prominent challenges in Finland, especially with regard to the healthcare system and occupational safety and health issues.

The afternoon was dedicated to a visit to the Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa (HUS), a non-profit joint authority owned by 24 municipalities and employing over 22,000 professionals. HOSPEEM had the opportunity to meet with the Human Resources Director of the Hospital District. It was very interesting to hear about the way HUS deals with occupational safety and health issues, in particular with work-related psycho-social risks and stress, and about human resources development and patient safety issues. These presentations where followed by a visit to the unit specialised in liver surgery.

HOSPEEM would like to thank Henrika Nybondas-Kangas, Johanna Karlström, Taija Hämäläinen and Eeva Nypelö, as well as the staff of the Helsinki University Hospital, for the warm welcome and the fruitful exchange.


OSH Project: Social partners’ conference on approaches to the issue of psychosocial risks and stress at work

On 10 November 2015 the second conference of the joint HOSPEEM – EPSU project on occupational health and safety risks entitled “Social partners’ conference on approaches to the issue of psycho-social risks and stress at work” took take place in Helsinki (co-organised by JHL, Superlitto and Tehy and supported by EPSU).

The conference focused on the causes and impacts of psycho-social risks and stress at work, on how they can be best prevented and addressed and on how an effective risk assessment and management can be organised.

You can watch the recording of the Conference  on the following link:

You can read the media release of HOSPEEM and EPSU or download the PDF - 304.4 ko Media Release in pdf.

PDF - 304.4 ko Agenda of the Conference

Read the report of the Helsinki conference, drafted by Nico Knibbe (LOCOmotion)
PDF - 304.4 koReport of the  PSRS@W Conference-EN
PDF - 304.4 koReport of the  PSRS@W Conference-FR
PDF - 304.4 koReport of the  PSRS@W Conference-DE


From Paris to Helsinki
PDF - 304.4 ko Nico E Knibbe, Locomotion NL-EN

Session 1: “Setting the scene: Causes of psycho-social risks and stress at work (PSRS@W) in the hospital/health care sector”. 

PDF - 304.4 ko Managing stress and psychosocial risks at European workplaces, Julia Flintrop, EU-OSHA -EN

Session 2: “Risk assessment and risk management in the field of PSRS@W”
PDF - 304.4 koStress in Healthcare – Can we measure and prevent stress in healthcare?- Albert Nienhaus, Institute for Epidemiology and Occupational Health for Healthcare Workers (CVcare) -EN
PDF - 304.4 ko Challenges for healthcare Profession : work related stress, Peter J Kelly, Health and Safety Executive, (HSE)-EN

Session 3: “Better managing PSRS@W” 
PDF - 304.4 ko Applying workers’ health surveillance to manage PSRS@W, Dr. Sarah M. Ketelaar, Academic Medical Center Amsterdam -EN 
PDF - 304.4 ko Handling of harassment in Region Gävleborg, Anders Westlund, Malin Vadelius and Tor Andersson, Sweden -EN
PDF - 304.4 ko Risk assessment & primary prevention of psycho-social risks and stress in the context of the restructuration of an institution of the CAPIO Group,  Valerie d’Almeida,CFDT (Bayonne) and Catherine Allemand, Syndex -EN/FR

Session 4:” Better preventing PSRS@W”
PDF - 304.4 ko Working in partnership for an improved prevention of PSRS@W, James Tracey -NHS Trust and Kim Sunley, Royal College of Nursing- EN

Session 5:” How can workers cope with their job demands and stay engaged?”
PDF - 304.4 ko Well-being through work. How can workers cope with their job demands and stay engaged,  Saija Koskensalmi, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health- EN

PDF - 304.4 ko Abstracts of presentations

HOSPEEM Newsletter – Conference highlights
HOSPEEM Newsletter December 2015-Special Issue


                                              *** Back to main project page ***   

This project has received funding from the European Commission

HOSPEEM Study Visit to France in March 2015

Following the conference organised in Paris on 25 March 2015 on approaches to the issue of musculoskeletal disorders,
HOSPEEM visited its French member’s organisation, the Federation of private not for profit healthcare institutions and care services – FEHAP on 26 March.

A first meeting at FEHAP provided an opportunity to exchange on their current priorities and challenges and discuss some EU topics and initiatives. HOSPEEM also had the chance to meet with Pascale Flamant, the General Delegate of UNICANCER, the French Federation of Comprehensive Cancer Centers.

The afternoon was dedicated to a visit of the hospital Saint Joseph, a private not for profit hospital member of FEHAP, with almost 2200 employees and a reception capacity of more than 600 beds and dealing with 25 medical and surgical specialties.

HOSPEEM had the opportunity to meet with the Director General and the Human Resources Manager of the hospital.

It was particularly interesting to hear about their quality approach and risk management policy and their innovative human resources policy, especially the experience of training of the management team.

HOSPEEM would like to thank Coralie Cuif, Sylvie Amzaleg, Pascale Flamant, Olga Ville and Laetitia Tibourtine, as well as the hospital Saint Joseph, for the warm welcome and the fruitful exchange.