Video interview EU Commissioner Vytenis Andriukaitis, 23 & 24 May 2018, Vilnius

Interview Vytenis Andriukaitis – EU Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, 23 & 24 May 2018, Vilnius

All the videos of the EPSU-HOSPEEM Conference “A sound mind in a sound body – taking care of those who take care of us” are available on the conference webpage.

On 23 and 24 May 2018 this second conference of the HOSPEEMEPSU project “Promoting effective recruitment and retention policies for health workers in the EU by ensuring access to CPD and healthy and safe workplaces supportive of patient safety and quality care” (2017-2018) took place in Vilnius (co-organised by LSADPS and supported by EPSU). The aim of this conference on Occupational Safety and Health was to pursue and expand the social partners’ thematic focus on  the prevention and reduction of MSD and PSRS@W. 

HOSPEEM Study visit to Lithuania in May 2018

HOSPEEM visited its Lithuanian member organisation Lithuanian National Association of Healthcare Organizations (NAHCO) on 25 May 2018 in Vilnius. HOSPEEM had the opportunity to visit the Lithuanian Parliament and one hospital, a member of NAHCO, the Republican Vilnius University Hospital in Vilnius. The non-profit hospital is the biggest emergency health care hospital in Lithuania and the second largest hospital in capital Vilnius. At the Parliament, a meeting was arranged with Ms Irena Šiaulienė, Deputy Speaker of the Board of the Seimas [the Lithuanian Parliament] and Member of the Lithuanian Parliament. The meeting was also attended by Antanas Vinkus, Member of the Lithuanian Parliament, former Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Social Security and Labour of the Republic of Lithuania and former Ambassador of Lithuania to Russia, Estonia and Latvia as well as Prof. Dr. Vinsas Janušonis, President of Lithuanian National Association of Healthcare Organizations and Dr. Vidmantas Žegunis. The visit at the Parliament provided the opportunity to discuss among others the migration and fair recruitment of health professionals and the 100-year anniversary of Lithuania.

At the hospital, the HOSPEEM Secretariat met among others Dr. Algimantas Pamerneckas, Director General, his advisor Rimvydas Toločka, Head of Emergency Medicine Department, Asta Jonaitienė and Dr. Vidmantas Žegunis. While visiting the hospital’s emergency and triage unit, the hospitals’ management and human resources, their functioning and activities were discussed. The meeting also provided the opportunity to exchange good practices from Lithuania and other HOSPEEM members. HOSPEEM would like to express its sincere thanks to Sigitas Griskonis, Lithuanian National Association of Healthcare Organizations, the representatives of the Lithuanian Parliament and the staff of the hospitals for the warm welcome and the enriching and fruitful exchange.

Social Partner’s Conference on Occupational Safety and Health (prevention and reduction of MSD and PSRS@W)

On 23 and 24 May 2018 the second conference of the HOSPEEM-EPSU project “Promoting effective recruitment and retention policies for health workers in the EU by ensuring access to CPD and healthy and safe workplaces supportive of patient safety and quality care” (2017-2018) took place in Vilnius (co-organised by LSADPS and supported by EPSU). The aim of this conference on Occupational Safety and Health was to pursue and expand the social PDF - 304.4 kopartners’ thematic focus on  the prevention and reduction of MSD and PSRS@W. 

Agenda, report & relevant documents:

PDF - 304.4 koFinal agenda - in EN and LT (as of 16 May 2018)
PDF - 304.4 koFinal report (as of Dec 2018)
PDF - 304.4 koAbstracts
PDF - 304.4 koBiographies
PDF - 304.4 koMedia Release - in EN and LT (as of 24 may 2018)
PDF - 304.4 koMedia Toolkit
PDF - 304.4 koSave the Date (as of 20 February 2018)


Wednesday, 23 May 2018
Welcome note
PDF - 304.4 koRita Zubkevičiūtė, Chief Labour Inspector - Occupational illnesses caused by ergonomic risk factors in diagnoses of Lithuanian healthcare workers - in EN and LT
Plenary 1: Psychosocial Risks and Stress at Work
PDF - 304.4 koMag. Pharm Slava Zlatanova, Deputy Chairwoman (FTU-HC CITUB) and Krasimir Grudev, Elected Board Member (NUPH) - The impact of psychosocial risks at work on the quality of medical services in Bulgaria (the role of employers and trade unions)
PDF - 304.4 koAlice Casagrande, Head of the life-long training, innovation and voluntary work department (FEHAP) - Prevention of violence on health workers

Thursday, 24 May 2018
PDF - 304.4 koDr. Vytenis Andriukaitis, Commissioner for Health & Food Safety (European Commission) - European Commission Perspectives on Occupational Safety and Health and Health Workforce Challenges
Plenary 2: Organisational Climate
PDF - 304.4 koSebastian Starystach and Christina Streib (University of Heidelberg) - Risk assessment of psychosocial stress for nursing staff according to the provisions of the Occupational Health and Safety Act – an example of a comprehensive and participative approach in the University Clinic Heidelberg
PDF - 304.4 koAnouk ten Arve, Programme Manager and Marc Spoek, Manager (Stichting IZZ) - Approach to Organisational Climate: Talking to each other improves health and safety among health care employees + Video links: About IZZ , IZZ Approach & IZZ Story
PDF - 304.4 koDr. Sabine Gregersen, Head of Health Sciences - Measuring health-promoting leadership within the scope of the risk assessment

Session 1 - PSRS@W
PDF - 304.4 koZoyia Antoniou, Secretary (PASYDY) - Intervention to enhance satisfaction of nurses in the work environment, to prevent burnout and to improve services provided to patients
PDF - 304.4 koGunnar Sundqvist, Investigator (SALAR) and Margaretha Johansson, National Officer (Kommunal) - Suntarbetsliv
PDF - 304.4 koKevin Charles, Chaplain & Staff Support Lead and Tracy Cunningham, Community Paramedic (East Midlands Ambulance Service NHS Trust) - Supporting staff mental health in East Midlands Ambulance Trust

Session 2 - MSD
PDF - 304.4 koLars Andersen, Professor (National Research Institute for working environment – NFA) - Physical work environment among healthcare workers
PDF - 304.4 koAnna Kukka, Work Environment Specialist (TEHY) and Leena Tamminen-Peter, Independent Occupational Health Ergonomic and Economics Expert - SOTERGO and the ergonomic patient handling card

Session 3 - Organisational Climate
PDF - 304.4 koMerja Hyvärinen, Legal Adviser (SuPer) - Vuosaari homecare
PDF - 304.4 koElize Hooftman, Manager FIER/Capacity Manager (Groene Hart Ziekenhuis) and Elles van der Neut, Team Leader FIER (Groene Hart Ziekenhuis) - Innovative flexible rostering; the right person, in the right place at the right time - in EN and NL
PDF - 304.4 koKonan Midy and Fabienne Tartaise, Centre Hospitalier Douarnenez, Bretagne (CFDT SSS) - Presentation of trade union work to prevent PSR in the context of “quality of work programmes” (in a public-sector hospital) - in EN and FR

Plenary 3 – Occupational Safety and Health
PDF - 304.4 koAnna-Mari Jaanu, Programme Manager (Kunteko) - Kunteko 2020 - Programme for improving working life in Finnish local and county government + video link
PDF - 304.4 koRaimonda Eičinaitė-Lingienė, Head (Occupational Health Centre, Institute of Hygiene) - The Workplace of Medical Worker – An Appropriate Platform for Health Innovation and Collaboration - in EN and LT
Closing Panel
PDF - 304.4 koDr. Malgorzata Milczarek, Project Manager (EU-OSHA) - EU-OSHA’s view on preventing psychosocial risks and MSDs at work


Conference in a nutshell
Commissioner Vytenis Andriukaitis, Health and Food Safety + Complete Speech



 Kunteko 2020 (Finland)
IZZ, The collectivity of people in health care : About IZZ , IZZ Approach & IZZ Story (The Netherlands)

The final report will be published in the upcoming months.

Photo Gallery
See the photos here

Sketch drawings
PDF - 304.4 koDownload in pdf


Photos & drawings credits: Suus /HOSPEEM-EPSU, 2018

EPSU has also published an event page for the conference.

***Back to main project page***

This project is supported with funds from the European Commission

Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee for the Hospital and Healthcare Sector: Main activities and outcomes in 2017

In this document you can find the highlights of the work of the HOSPEEM-EPSU Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee for the Hospital and Healthcare Sector. In 2017 the Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee for the Hospital and Healthcare Sector  dealt with a wide range of topics in the framework of the EPSU-HOSPEEM Joint Work Programme and carried out project-related activities.

PDF - 304.4 koDownload the document

HOSPEEM Activity Report 2017

The HOSPEEM Activity Report 2017 is published. This activity report presents basic information on the history of HOSPEEM, on the membership structure as well as on the main activities carried out during the year.

2017 has been a productive year with a number of achievements: the start of the new joint HOSPEEM-EPSU project on effective recruitment and retention policies including the June conference “Working together, learning together – Switching to the learning mode”, the start of the HOSPEEM-EPSU new work programme 2017-2019 for the European social dialogue, the high-level metings with European Commissioner Vytenis Andriukaitis and the Bulgarian Minister of Health Prof. Nikolai Petrov, the joint HOSPEEM-HOPE workshop “AMR and workplace learning – The case for a multi-professional approach in hospitals” at the European Parliament.

PDF - 304.4 koDownload the report


Media Release : HOSPEEM-HOPE Joint Workshop on AMR & CPD

“AMR and workplace learning, The case for a multi-professional approach in hospitals”


On 22 November 2017, the European Hospital and Healthcare Federation (HOPE) and the European Hospital and Healthcare Employers’ Association (HOSPEEM) organised a workshop “AMR and workplace learning-The case for a multi-professional approach in hospitals” hosted by MEP Soledad Cabezón Ruiz (Spain, S&D) at the European Parliament in Brussels. This HOSPEEM-HOPE Joint Workshop was connected to the 2017 European Antibiotic Awareness Day (EAAD) and the launch of the new EAAD Toolkit for Hospital Staff.

Member of the European Parliament (MEP) Soledad Cabezón Ruiz (S&D, Spain) opened the workshop by reminding some alarming figures published by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC): the cost of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) in the EU represents 25 000 deaths and 1,5 Billion Euro annually. She expressed the need for a comprehensive approach involving the different sectors, such as healthcare, biosafety, environment etc. She also stressed out that the European Action Plan should focus on research (new antibiotics, health devices) but also on monitoring the prescription and use of antibiotics, thanks to a large data base. National Action Plans, coordinated and financially supported by the EU should allow to identify the best practices and the best performing countries.

Pascal Garel, HOPE Chief Executive, emphasized the importance of inter-professional cooperation in combatting AMR “the issue of AMR is complex and multifaceted with differences between countries and even differences between regions of the same country (…) today we are looking at the topic from the angle of Continuing Professional Development and the role of health professionals”. Workshop moderator Jesper Rijpma, Senior advisor public affairs at Dutch Hospital Association (NVZ), defined the AMR phenomenon as a threat for society in the form of a “tsunami in slow motion”.

The Head of the Disease Programmes on AMR and Health-Associated Infections (HAI) at ECDC, Dominique Monnet, focused on the importance of raising awareness about the prevention and control of AMR in healthcare. Firstly, he listed the three-existing surveillance network at EU-level (EARS-Net, ESAC-Net, HAI-Net) and the guidelines exchange platform EPIS. In some countries like Germany, Portugal, the Netherlands, Greece or Belgium, AMR is decreasing due to national actions such as the introduction of new antimicrobial agents in the healthcare sector, the prudent use of antimicrobial agents as well as the prevention and control of infections in hospital and healthcare facilities. He also brought the attention of the audience to the new EAAD Toolkit for Hospital Staff recently published.

The Member of the AMR Task Force of the European Commission, Angela Bolufer de Gea, presented the European One Health Action Plan on AMR 2011-2016, reminding that “Progress on AMR is possible but slow’’. She emphasized making the EU a best practice region on AMR requires persistence, innovation and stronger partnerships. To further develop the existing initiatives such as the Guidelines for the prudent use of antimicrobials in human health or the European Antibiotic Awareness Day, the EC supports research and development of new business models in antibiotic research (DRIVE-AB) and jointly funded research with the pharmaceutical industry (IMI).

The CEO of the Platform for Continuous Improvement of Quality of Care and Patient Safety (PAQS) in Belgium, Denis Herbaux, presented a specific example of collaboration on the prevention of Health-associated Infections (HAI) carried out by twenty hospitals working together in Belgium. This collaborative project aims at preventing adverse events such as the outbreak of AMR for example. The Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) methodology consists of regular meetings of a multidisciplinary team which will work out solutions together and bring it back to its own hospital. According to Denis Herbaux, the collaborative step-by-step approach allows the effective implementation of best practices at the system level.

The Senior Advisor on National Safety and Security from the National Institute for Public Health and Environment Centre for Safety and Security in the Netherlands, Marcel Mennen, presented the Dutch One Health strategy to restrain the threat of AMR. This strategy consists of a thorough assessment and monitoring of national risk as well as concrete actions such as a multi-professional model for prevention and outbreak control of AMR (A-Team). In the Netherlands, the “A-Teams” advise colleagues on infection prevention and proper use of antibiotics, including infectious disease professionals, epidemiologists, hospital pharmacists and physicians.

After the presentations, the participants could discuss several issues with the panellists, such as the need of awareness programs for medical students in the medical profession, the research and production of new antibiotics or the challenge of merging and connecting hospital data to inform AMR experts. Participants and speakers debated the need for new business models to create new antibiotics and the need for exploration of cost-effectiveness in this field. They also discussed the ways on how to enhance the level of awareness, where both macro level (national action plans) and micro level (multidisciplinary approaches such as the A-teams in the Dutch hospitals or collaborative improvement initiatives in Belgian hospitals) have shown to be effective.

Member of the European Parliament (MEP) Karin Kadenbach (S&D, Austria) pointed out that expertise and knowledge about AMR is not always shared, especially monitored data on vaccination across the EU or HAI. Stricter rules should be defined regarding the access to antibiotics without prescription and more money should be invested in research and quality monitoring to ensure reliable and up-to-date data. As an incentive, the cost of non-action (compared to concrete action) should be presented to the different stakeholders at national level.

Secretary General of the European Hospital & Healthcare Employers’ Association (HOSPEEM), Tjitte Alkema, closed this workshop addressing the importance of continuing professional development (CPD) for the correct understanding and use of antibiotics by hospital staff and patients and the prevention of infections. He reminded that “there are no simple solutions to complex problems and that (…) learning is a process, not an event (…) Some of the challenges ahead of us that have been underlined today are the issue of professional silos, underreporting, lack of surveillance and staffing challenges (…)” and regarding the issues raised during the workshop, “Prevention and CPD are potential solutions because they allow the involvement of hospital management grass-root staff and they foster new insights and creative solutions through a multi-disciplinary approach”. He called for an overarching PPP-approach. PPP in this case would stand for Public Practice Partnership involving competent authorities, professional organisations, and hospital management.

Media release

HOSPEEM-HOPE joint Workshop on AMR & CPD

The European Hospital and Healthcare Federation (HOPE) and the European Hospital and Healthcare Employers' Association (HOSPEEM) organised the following workshop:

HOSPEEM-HOPE joint Workshop on Antimicrobial Resistance and Continuing Professional Development: “AMR and workplace learning-The case for a multi-professional approach in hospitals"
European Parliament, November 22nd, 2017

Agenda and Media release:

Download the Agenda
Download the Media release


 “Prevention and control of AMR in healthcare: raising awareness about best practices” - Dominique Monnet, ECDC, Head of the Disease Programmes on AMR and HAI
“A European One Health action plan on AMR” - Angela Bolufer, European Commission, Member of the AMR Task force
“Collaborating to increase Patient Safety” - Denis Herbaux, CEO, Platform for Continuous Improvement of Quality of Care and Patient Safety (PAQS), Belgium
“The need for cooperation from a One Health perspective against AMR” - Marcel Mennen, Project Manager AMR, National Institute for Public Health and Environment, the Netherlands

This Workshop addressed the importance of continuing professional development for the correct understanding and use of antibiotics by hospital staff and patients and the prevention of infections. Good practice examples to train staff in combatting Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) in the hospital sector were presented to foster the discussion.

The event also provided the opportunity to emphasize the importance of inter-professional cooperation in combatting AMR. The date chosen for the Workshop  allowed to connect the event to the activities planned for the 2017 European Antibiotic Awareness Day (EAAD) and the launch of the new EAAD Toolkit for Hospital Staff.

The workshop was hosted by MEP Soledad Cabezón Ruiz (Spain, S&D) and took place at the European Parliament, from 15.00 to 17.00 in Room P1C047.

see HOPE Event page 


Photo credits: Mattia Braida, 2017

HOSPEEM Study visit to Bulgaria in September 2017

HOSPEEM visited its Bulgarian member organisation NUPH – National Union of Private Hospitals on September 27, 2017 in Sofia. HOSPEEM had the opportunity to visit two hospitals, members of NUPH, the Academy City Clinic Tokuda, the biggest private hospital in Sofia and Polimed, a small hospital located in the capital. Meetings were arranged with Ms. Boryana Marinkova, PR and marketing officer of Tokuda and with Tsvetan Dimanov, Executive Manager of Polimed.

The visit provided the opportunity to discuss about hospitals’ management and human resources, their functioning and activities and to get an insight into the system of bargaining in Bulgaria. The meeting also provided the opportunity to exchange about the impact of budgetary shortages for the private hospitals and the ongoing problem of fair recruitment and self-sufficiency in their training of health professionals. HOSPEEM would like to express its sincere thanks to Krasimir Grudev, NUPH Board of Directors, the representatives and the staff of the hospitals for the warm welcome and the enriching and fruitful exchange.

HOSPEEM-EPSU project – Media release: Social Partners’ Conference on Continuing Professional Development


 Social Partners’ Conference on Continuing Professional Development

“Working together, learning together – Switching to the learning mode”


On 19 and 20 June 2017, HOSPEEM and EPSU – with the support of the Dutch HOSPEEM member Nederlandse Vereniging van Ziekenhuizen (NVZ) – organised the conference “Working together, learning together – Switching to the learning mode” in Amsterdam to pursue and deepen their thematic focus on Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and Life-Long Learning (LLL).

The event built on the HOSPEEM-EPSU Joint Declaration on Continuing Professional Development and Life-Long Learning for All Health Workers in the EU adopted in November 2016. In this document the sectoral social partners in the hospital and health care sector recognise CPD as paramount for the maintenance and improvement of the quality of care and patient safety. Access to CPD and career options are presented as supportive of effective recruitment and retention policies. The joint declaration highlights that CPD and LLL initiatives should be considered as a long-term investment in the (productivity of the) health workforce and not as a cost factor. Social partners have a major role to play when it comes to CPD, in partnership with competent authorities and other relevant stakeholders. The declaration also states that undertaking CPD is a shared responsibility of employers and workers and depends to a large extent on the intrinsic motivation of employees to invest in their own development. HOSPEEM and EPSU finally recall the importance of taking local specificities into consideration and respecting the different national legal and regulatory frameworks when designing CPD systems.

The conference provided a forum for exchange and debate on a number of social partner-based initiatives presented by representatives of HOSPEEM members and EPSU affiliates from Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, The Netherlands, Sweden and the United Kingdom and on the key role played by social partners in this field. It offered the opportunity to learn more about supportive regulatory frameworks for CPD and about policy measures aimed at facilitating access to CPD, updating or upgrading qualifications, skills, competence and professional practice, the provision of quality services by a hospital/health care workforce fit for practice and at a high level of patient safety. In addition, several researchers shared their insights and experiences during the plenary sessions or during one of the four thematic break-out sessions organised. Balazs Lengyel of DG SANTE presented the main insights and selected conclusions and recommendations from the study “Mapping CPD and LLL for health professionals in the EU” – focusing on nurses, midwifes, doctors, dentists and pharmacists – issued in 2015 and commissioned by the European Commission.

A range of aspects related to CPD was covered by the presentations and discussions at the HOSPEEM-EPSU conference. These include: How to ensure sustainable models of financing of CPD for all types of health workers? How to best make CPD available for all health workers in an equal manner across all age groups, occupational groups, working patterns and all types of contracts? What can social partners at the different levels do to give better access to groups often under-represented in CPD and LLL, such as health workers aged 45+, part-time workers or workers with lower formal qualifications (mainly health care support staff)? Which models of CPD to use to support increasing demands of working in teams bringing together different health professions? How to best organise CPD on the backdrop of an increasing digitalisation of health care services (e-health; m-health; telemedicine)? How to build CPD as a key element into team and personal development planning and organisational development strategies? How to develop a partnership approach in designing, organising, implementing and assessing CPD policies and tools at national, sectoral and enterprise level?

Looking at the health professions, a particular focus was given to nurses, health care support staff and doctors. This was also underpinned by four short testimonial videos of Dutch nurses produced by NVZ about how they have benefited from CPD in their professional career and various work contexts so far and which expectations they have as to the organisation of CPD in the future.

The conference was opened by a group interview involving Bas van den Dungen, representative of the Dutch Ministry of Health, Elise Merlijn, FNV, The Netherlands, representing EPSU, and Kate Ling, NHS, United Kingdom, representing HOSPEEM. The social partner representatives highlighted some of the trade unions’ and employers’ priorities in the field of CPD and LLL, the key opportunities and problems to be addressed. The participants watched a video message by Commissioner Andriukaitis in which he expressed his support for the Joint HOSPEEM-EPSU Declaration on CPD and LLL for all Health Workers in the EU and for the ongoing work of the sectoral social partners in the hospital sector in the field of CPD.

During the conference, participants were asked to write down and share the most relevant “take home messages” to them. This input as well as visuals of a graphic recorder were used by the chairpersons and the moderator of the closing panel, Nico Knibbe, LOCOmotion, The Netherlands. Wrapping up the conference, Sabine Scheer, NVZ, The Netherlands, representing HOSPEEM, Kirsi Sillanpää, Tehy, Finland, representing EPSU, and Alice Casagrande, FEHAP, France, pointed to their key “learning experiences” during the conference and highlighted the take home messages they consider most relevant.

This conference was a key step for the sectoral social partners in the hospital and health care sector, HOSPEEM and EPSU, in identifying successful approaches, instruments and formats of CPD, both from the management and workers’ perspective. It brought together more than 100 participants from 18 EU Member States and 4 non-EU countries, including 35 participants from the Netherlands. The event was organised in the framework of the HOSPEEM-EPSU EU-funded project “Promoting effective recruitment and retention policies for health workers in the EU by ensuring access to CPD and healthy and safe workplaces supportive of patient safety and quality care” (2017-2018) and a contribution of the hospital and healthcare sector social partners to the 2016-2017 EU-OSHA Campaign ”Healthy Workplaces For All Ages”.

EPSU’s and HOSPEEM’s work on this issue will continue in 2017 and 2018. A report on the conference, also containing the key take-home messages, will be published by the end of 2017. It will be disseminated at national and at EU level and will feed into the future work of the Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee for the Hospital Sector on CPD.

Amsterdam/Brussels, 23 June 2017

PDF - 304.4 ko Media release


HOSPEEM: Emilie Sourdoire, Policy Officer,, +32/2/2292158

EPSU: Mathias Maucher, Policy Officer “Health & Social Services”,, +32/2/2501093